


六月 2020 每月更新

6月 30

Azure Data Lake Storage archive tier is now generally available


The archive tier for Azure Data Lake Storage is now generally available. The archive tier provides an ultra-low cost tier for long term retention of data while keeping your data available for future analytics needs.

  • Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Features
6月 30

Azure Storage 200 TB 块 blob 大小现已提供预览版


我们已将 Azure 存储中的单个 blob 的最大大小从 5 TB 增加到 200 TB,现已提供预览版。所有 Azure 公用区域的热层、冷层和高级层均可提供 200 TB blob 大小的预览版。

  • Azure Blob 存储
  • Features
6月 30

Azure Firewall July 2020 update


Custom DNS, DNS Proxy, and FQDN filtering in network rules are now in preview. IP Groups and IP Groups in Firewall policy are now generally available.

  • Azure 防火墙
  • Security
6月 30

Company branding feature is now available on your organization's Azure AD sign-in page


The enhanced company branding feature is now generally available on your organization’s Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) sign-in page.

  • Features
6月 29

Plan your migration to Azure VMware Solution using the Azure Migrate server assessment tool


Azure Migrate now supports assessments for Azure VMware Solution. Plan your move to Azure VMware Solution using the Azure Migrate server assessment tool.

  • Services
6月 26

Azure Sphere OS quality update 20.06 is now available


The Azure Sphere OS quality update 20.06 is now available in the retail feed.

  • Operating System
6月 25

Ephemeral OS disks for Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) now support additional VM sizes


You now have the ability to store ephemeral OS disks on the VM temp or resource disk in addition to the VM cache (in preview).

  • 虚拟机
  • 虚拟机规模集
  • 托管磁盘
  • Features
6月 25

Azure Speech Services REST API v3.0 is now available


Azure Azure Speech Services REST API v3.0 is now available, along with several new features.

  • Azure AI 语音
  • Services
  • Features
6月 25

Azure CLI June 2020 update


The Azure CLI continues to expand with support for new Azure services. This release includes 23 new modules to manage as many Azure services.

  • CLI
  • SDK and Tools
6月 24

适用于 Azure Key Vault 的 Azure Monitor 现已推出预览版


借助适用于 Azure Key Vault 的 Azure Monitor 预览版,可以在统一视图中查看 Key Vault 请求、性能、失败和延迟的相关信息和数据,从而能够全面监视密钥保管库。

  • Azure Monitor
  • Key Vault
  • Security
  • Services
  • Features
6月 24

Azure Pipelines 现支持 Linux/ARM64


应社区强烈要求,Azure Pipelines 现支持 Linux/ARM64。现还提供其他关键功能来增强整体的用户体验。

  • Features
6月 24

现已推出 Azure Database for MySQL 的数据库引擎审核功能


Azure Database for MySQL 现支持使用审核日志来记录数据库活动和事件(例如连接和查询)- 该项支持目前已正式发布。

  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • Features
6月 24

现已推出 Azure Database for MariaDB 的数据库引擎审核功能


Azure Database for MariaDB 现支持使用审核日志来记录数据库活动和事件(例如连接和查询)- 该项支持目前已正式发布。

  • Azure Database for MariaDB
  • Features
6月 24

Azure Cosmos DB 的用于 MongoDB 的 API 中的通配符索引


Azure Cosmos DB 的用于 MongoDB 的 API 中现已可使用通配符索引,这是 MongoDB 版本 4.2 中引入的常用 MongoDB 功能。

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
6月 24

Case-insensitive string functions with Azure Cosmos DB now available


Case-insensitive support in Azure Cosmos DB was released for the following string system functions—Contains, EndsWith, StringEquals, and StartsWith.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
6月 24

Azure SDK for embedded devices


The new Azure Embedded C SDK is designed to allow small and embedded devices, such as IoT, to communicate with Azure services.

  • Azure IoT 中心
  • SDK
  • Azure 文件
  • SDK and Tools
6月 24

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) support for proximity placement groups is now available


Better support for latency-sensitive workloads in critical business scenarios.

  • Azure Kubernetes 服务 (AKS)
  • Features
6月 24

Create a formula in Azure DevTest Labs using a shared image gallery image


Your customers can now create a formula in DevTest Labs using a shared image gallery image. Formulas provide a dynamic way to create virtual machines from the desired configuration and settings. Changes in the environment can be captured on the fly via artifacts.

  • Azure 开发测试实验室
  • Features
6月 24

Azure Content Delivery Network standard rules engine is now available


Take advantage of new rules to further customize the behavior of standard Azure Content Delivery Network to best meet the needs of your customers. Use the rules engine to modify request and response headers or dynamically override your existing route behavior based on incoming requests. Now generally available with the ability to add additional rules. The first five rules are free.

  • 内容分发网络
  • Services
6月 24

Azure Front Door rules engine now generally available


Azure Front Door rules engine is now generally available. Take advantage of these new rules to further customize the behavior of your Front Door to best meet the needs of your customers. Rules engine empowers you to modify request and response headers, or dynamically override your existing route behavior based on incoming requests. Create up to 25 rules per configuration.

  • Azure Front Door(经典)
  • Security
  • Services


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