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There’s no better time to join the quantum computing revolution 

It’s an exciting time to be in quantum information science. Investments are growing across the globe, like the recently announced U.S. Quantum Information Science Research Centers, that bring together the best of the public and private sectors to solve the scientific challenges on the path to a commercial-scale quantum computer. While there’s increased research investment worldwide, there are not yet enough skilled developers, engineers, and researchers to take advantage of this emerging quantum revolution.  

Here’s where you come in. There’s no better time to start learning about how you can benefit from quantum computing, and solve currently unsolvable questions in the futureHere are some of the resources available to start your journey. 

Learn quantum programming skills at your own pace

Many developers, researchers, and engineers are intrigued by the idea of quantum computing, but may not have started because perhaps they don’t know how to begin, how to apply it, or how to use it in their current applications. We’ve been listening to the growing global community and worked to make the path forward easier. Take advantage of these free self-paced resources to learn the skills you need to get started with quantum. 

  • Microsoft Learn is a free online training platform where you can deepen your knowledge about new technologies and products, at your own pace. The new Quantum Foundations Learning Path can help you learn the fundamentals of quantum computing, identify problems that quantum algorithms can solve more efficiently, and start building quantum programs. 
  • Quantum Katas are free, open-source, self-paced tutorials and programming exercises designed to teach quantum computing concepts, operations, and Q# programming at the same time. 

Integrate quantum education at universities

University professors can start integrating quantum computing into computer science and engineering curriculum today. We recently partnered with the University of Washington to teach an introductory course on quantum computing and programming, focusing on the practical implementation of quantum algorithms. We also have curriculum partnerships with numerous universities around the world to teach quantum programming and provide guidance on how to use these resources to further quantum programming education. 

Join communities to learn and build together

Come join one of the growing quantum computing communities where you can ask questions, learn new skills, and build cool stuff. The Q# Community collects and maintains projects related to the Q# programming language, such as new community libraries, tutorials and workshops, Q# extensions, and blog posts on cool Q# projects. And it’s October, time for the annual Hacktoberfest. This year we have active quantum computing projects and welcome contributions from our open source community around the world. Come check it out. 

Explore our platform to apply your new skills for impact today

Now in limited preview, Azure Quantum is an open ecosystem of quantum partners and technologies. Building on decades of quantum research and scalable enterprise cloud offerings, it is a complete solution that gives you the freedom to create your own path to scalable quantum computing. Azure Quantum is also your entry point to integrate quantum-inspired optimization running on classical Azure hardware for immediate results. Through a familiar Azure environment, you’ll have access to all the tools and resources you need to quickly ramp up on your journey to a quantum future and have an impact with quantum technology today. 

Learning sessions during IEEE Quantum Week

We’re excited to share learnings and participate with the global quantum community at this week’s virtual IEEE Quantum Week: 

  • October 13: The Introduction to Azure Quantum tutorial teaches software engineers and researchers how to use the Microsoft Quantum Development Kit (QDK), which includes capabilities to develop quantum-inspired applications targeted for classical devices. 
  • October 14: Dr. Krysta Svore, Microsoft’s General Manager of Quantum Systems and Software, delivers a keynote on Quantum Learning: Applying Quantum Ideas to Classical Computing where she describes research, insights, case studies, and a practical set of new ideas and resources to experiment with quantum concepts on classical computing. 
  • October 14: The Quantum Curriculum Development with QDK workshop provides a deep dive into the curriculum materials from the undergraduate introductory course on quantum computing taught by Microsoft at the University of Washington. 
  • October 15: In a panel on Bringing Quantum Programming into QC Education, university professors share best practices on teaching quantum computing and programming, and how to prepare students for the quantum jobs of tomorrow. 

Start your own path to quantum impact

Come join the community of quantum developers and see where your path takes you. What better way to jump in and learn than to try Microsoft Learn, or a Quantum Kata? Pick up the Q# language and join the Q# CommunityAnd sign up for the Azure Quantum Limited Preview. Whatever way you choose to get started, the opportunity is enormous and growingWith quantum computing, you can help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges and make a quantum impact on our world.