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Microsoft Quantum welcomes new collaboration with leading startups

Building and deploying scalable quantum computers will require a community of dedicated partners to advance quantum computing, develop practical applications, and build the quantum workforce of the future. That’s why today—at the Quantum for Business conference—we’re announcing partnerships with some of the world’s leading startup talent in quantum software and algorithm development.

We’ve previously shared the significant work happening with organizations such as Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), and Pacific Northwest National Labs (PNNL), as well as our strategic research partnerships with institutions including Purdue University, UC Santa Barbara, the University of Copenhagen, TU Delft, and the University of Sydney. With these new relationships, we are expanding our collaborations to include startups that are driving the quantum industry forward.

1QBit, Cambridge Quantum Computing, Entropica Labs, OTI Lumionics, ProteinQure, QC Ware, Qulab, Riverlane Research, Solid State AI, Strangeworks, and Zapata Computing will have the ability to consult directly with Microsoft’s top researchers, scientists, and engineers working in quantum computing, along with gaining deeper access to our advanced quantum software, tools, and libraries such as the Quantum Development Kit (QDK).  Their participation extends to membership in Microsoft for Startups, an exclusive program that provides qualified startups with access to Microsoft technologies, including free Azure cloud, and dedicated go-to-market resources to help them sell alongside our global sales teams and partner channel.

These collaborations will be crucial in building the emerging quantum economy and developing a skilled quantum workforce. They represent an important step in our mission to deliver a robust, scalable quantum computer that will take on the toughest challenges we collectively face as a society.