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Azure Monitor:4월 2024의 월별 업데이트

4 22

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Agent Upload to Storage and Event Hubs

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Azure Monitor Agent can now upload to Azure Storage and Event Hubs.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Management
  • Features
4 15

Announcing Public Preview of Query editor in Azure Monitor Metrics

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Public Preview of Query editor in Azure Monitor Metrics is now Available! Get started with Query editor to access advanced querying capabilities within Azure Monitor Metrics. With the Query Editor's seamless integration of the widely adopted Prometheus Query Language (PromQL), customers can unlock advanced querying capabilities within their Azure Monitor Workspace. With PromQL, you can now efficiently analyze Prometheus metrics, identify trends, troubleshoot issues, and optimize resource utilization for better performance and reliability.

  • Azure Monitor
  • 메트릭
  • 관리형 Prometheus
  • Features
4 2

Public Preview: Azure Monitor introduces Prometheus community recommended alerts

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대상 가용성: Q1 2024

Enable Prometheus community recommended alerts to monitor key signals to be promptly notified on potential critical issues within your clusters.

  • Azure Monitor
  • 관리형 Prometheus
  • 경고(클래식)
  • Features


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