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Azure Monitor:11월 2023의 월별 업데이트

11 30

Generally available: Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry-based Distro for ASP.NET Core Applications

지금 이용 가능

대상 가용성: Q4 2023

Use OpenTelemetry-based instrumentation with vender-neutral APIs to power metrics, logs, and distributed traces in Azure Monitor application insights.

  • Application Insights
  • Azure Monitor
  • Management
  • SDK and Tools
11 27

Public Preview: Create and manage Azure Monitor managed Prometheus rules in Azure portal

미리 보기

대상 가용성: Q4 2023

You can now create and manage Azure Managed Prometheus rule groups, alert rules and recording rules in the Azure Portal

  • Azure Monitor
  • 관리형 Prometheus
  • 경고
  • Features
11 20

Generally Available: Collect Syslog from AKS nodes using Azure Monitor Container Insights

지금 이용 가능

The Syslog collection feature in Azure Monitor - Container Insights is generally available.

  • Azure Monitor
  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Microsoft Ignite
  • Features
11 13

Public Preview: Azure Monitor Agent JSON log collection

미리 보기

대상 가용성: Q4 2023

Azure Monitoring Agent team has released for public preview JSON log collection. New collection types enable customers to migrate from other competing data collection services to Azure Monitor.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Sentinel
  • Security
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features


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