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업데이트 아카이브

제품 카테고리

3월 2024의 월별 업데이트

3 18

Generally Available: Windows Gen 2 VM support in AKS

지금 이용 가능

YOu can now use Gen 2 VM SKUs for Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Windows GPU support in AKS

미리 보기

You can now run GPU workloads, such as machine learning, video encoding, large simulations, and gaming, on Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Kubernetes 1.29 support in AKS

지금 이용 가능

You can now take advantage of Kubernetes 1.29 version with AKS in production environment.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Custom kubelet configuration for Windows in AKS

지금 이용 가능

You can now modify default values for kubelet parameters when using Windows nodepools in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Azure CNI static block IP allocation support in AKS

미리 보기

You can now scale beyond the current 65k Pod IPs and scale up to 1 Million Pods.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Deployment safeguards in AKS

You can now use deployment safeguards to implement Kubernetes best practices and get warnings on deployment or deny the deployment of manifest files that are not following best practices.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Azure CNI overlay dual stack Support in AKS (Linux only)

지금 이용 가능

You can now deploy AKS clusters in dual stack mode which now enables resource connection through IPv4 or IPv6.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: VM IP based load balancer in AKS

지금 이용 가능

You can now choose IP-based backend pool membership for new or existing clusters in AKS.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Host Network Security Group (NSG) control in AKS

지금 이용 가능

You can now directly configure allowed ports in your nodepool settings.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Security
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: HostPort auto assign in AKS

지금 이용 가능

AKS now lets you deploy pods without manually specifying host ports.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Instance level Public IP tags in AKS

미리 보기

You can now utilize Azure routing preference for your cluster, public node IPs in AKS

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Security
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Trusted launch support in AKS

미리 보기

Administrators can now deploy AKS nodes with verified and signed bootloaders, OS kernels, and drivers.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Security
  • Features
3 18

Generally Available: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) support for 5K Node limit by default for standard tier clusters

지금 이용 가능

You can now scale your AKS cluster to larger than 1000 nodes without having to request any special limit increases or whitelisting.

  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features
3 18

Public preview: Azure Modeling and Simulation Workbench

미리 보기

Azure Modeling and Simulation Workbench is a new service that provides a fully managed work environment for engineering development, accelerating project startup, and enabling secure collaboration between development teams.

  • 가상 머신
  • Premium Blob Storage
  • Azure 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 워크벤치
  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Services
  • Pricing & Offerings
3 18

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is available in 13 additional Azure regions

지금 이용 가능

Azure Managed Prometheus was announced GA in May 2023 and was available in 26 regions, with this new update Azure Managed Prometheus will be available in 13 additional regions.

  • 관리형 Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • Regions & Datacenters
3 18

You can now opt in automatically renew your reservation at time of purchase.

지금 이용 가능

You can now opt in automatically renew your reservation at time of purchase, which provides an easy way to continue getting reservation discounts.

  • Features
3 15

Azure Classic Administrator roles are retiring on 31 August 2024

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 8월 31, 2024

On 31 August 2024, Azure classic administrator roles will be retired. Transition from Azure Classic Administrator roles to RBAC roles

  • Retirements
  • Services
3 15

Visual Studio App Center retirement

지금 이용 가능

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 3월 31, 2025

Visual Studio App Center is scheduled for retirement on March 31, 2025.

  • App Center
  • Retirements
3 15

Retirement: Support for Application Gateway Web Application Firewall v2 Configuration is ending

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 3월 15, 2027

On 15 March 2027, the Application Gateway WAF v2 Configuration will be retired. To continue using this service, switch to the Application Gateway WAF v2 Policy before the retirement date.

  • Web Application Firewall
  • Application Gateway
  • Security
  • Retirements
3 14

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping

지금 이용 가능

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus now supports TLS & mTLS based scraping for Prometheus instance served with TLS. To enable TLS and mTLS based scraping, you can configure the TLS settings in the ConfigMap.

  • 관리형 Prometheus
  • Azure Monitor
  • AKS(Azure Kubernetes Service)
  • Features


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