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Azure IoT Edge for Linux on Windows available for public preview

Published date: January 21, 2021

Curated Linux VM with Azure IoT Edge
The Linux virtual machine is purpose built for Azure IoT Edge, validated using rigorous automated test pipelines, and deemed a Tier 1 supported environment for Azure IoT Edge workloads.

Windows Admin Center
Windows Admin Center extension to facilitate installation, configuration, and diagnostics from a remote workstation or on the local device.

Microsoft Update
Integration with Microsoft Update to keep both the Windows runtime components as well as Linux VM, including Azure IoT Edge, bits up to date.

Bi-directional communication between Windows processes and Linux Container provides the best of both worlds where Windows process can provide UI or HW proxy for business logic or inferencing provided by the Linux Container.

Learn more.

  • Azure IoT Hub
  • Azure IoT Edge
  • Windows 10 IoT Core Services
  • Features
  • Operating System