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5월 2023의 월별 업데이트

5 23

Public preview: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale elastic pools

You can now efficiently provision and scale compute resources independent of data size by deploying multiple Azure SQL Hyperscale databases with varying workloads in elastic pools.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Generally Available: Enhanced document expiration with Time to Live (TTL) on any field.

지금 이용 가능

Effortlessly set a TTL on any field in a collection, giving you more flexibility to control how your documents expire in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB RU.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Public Preview: In-Account restore for continuous backup accounts

미리 보기

Customers can restore the deleted database and containers in the same continuous backup account.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Public Preview: Azure Cosmos DB computed properties

미리 보기

Simplify complex queries using computed properties which can represent frequently used query logic such as expressions based on persisted item properties and can be indexed for increased performance.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Generally Available: Azure Cosmos DB burst capacity

지금 이용 가능

Now generally available, Azure Cosmos DB burst capacity helps improve performance by allowing you to use idle throughput to handle temporary spikes in traffic.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Azure Machine Learning - Public Preview for Build

미리 보기

New features now available in PuPr include the ability to evaluate text/image data fairness and enjoy one platform to build, tune, evaluate, deploy, and test AI workflow with LLM. 

  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Azure Machine Learning - General Availability for Build

지금 이용 가능

New features now available in GA include the ability to enable MLOPs across dev, test, and prod environments to promote assets across multiple workspaces.

  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Microsoft Build
  • Features
5 23

Announcing the public preview of custom Text Analytics for health

미리 보기

대상 가용성: Q2 2023

Custom Text Analytics for health is the newest healthcare NLP offering from Cognitive Services for Language. It allows you to add a layer of customization on top of Text Analytics for health using state-of-the-art machine learning models to build your own healthcare entity extraction model with your specific domain data. The model's authoring experience can be performed either using the graphical user interface on the Language Studio or programmatically using the REST APIs. The feature is now in public preview allowing you to make 5,000 text records of predictions per language resource for free using the Standard (S) pricing tier.

  • Features
5 18

Public Preview: Azure NetApp Files Standard Network Features - Edit Volumes

미리 보기

Azure NetApp Files now supports ability to edit existing ANF volumes and upgrading Basic network features to Standard network features.

  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Services
  • Features
5 17

Public preview: Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge for Virtual Machine Scale Sets

미리 보기

Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge provides you a new way of upgrading VM instances in a Virtual Machine Scale Set to the latest scale set model.

  • Features
5 17

Generally available: Azure Site Recovery update rollup 67 - May 2023

지금 이용 가능

This article describes the improvements for the latest version of Azure Site Recovery components. 

  • Features
5 17

General availability: Azure Data Explorer adds new geospatial capabilities

지금 이용 가능

Azure Data Explorer now supports geospatial analysis with three new functions: geo_point_buffer, geo_line_buffer, and geo_polygon_buffer. These functions let you create polygonal buffers around points, lines, or polygons.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Features
5 17

General Availability: Routing Intent and Virtual WAN Integrated Firewall NVAs

지금 이용 가능

Routing intent supports inter-region/inter-hub traffic inspection and branch-to-branch traffic inspection for Azure Virtual WAN.

  • Security
  • Features
5 17

Azure Backup Reports now includes support for more workloads

지금 이용 가능

Azure Backup Reports now includes support for more workloads: Azure Database for PostgreSQL Servers, Azure Blobs and Azure Disks.

  • Management
5 16

Public preview: Optimize your workloads for reliability using new workbook template in Azure Advisor

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Evaluate the reliability posture of your workloads, assess risks and plan improvements using the new Reliability workbook template which is now available in Azure Advisor.

  • Azure Advisor
  • Management
5 16

General availability: Seamlessly upgrade your Application Gateway V2 WAF configuration to a policy

지금 이용 가능

Azure’s regional Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Application Gateway now supports a fully automated experience when upgrading your WAF from configuration to policy.

  • Application Gateway
  • Web Application Firewall
  • Security
  • Features
5 16

App Service now supports Custom Error pages in public preview

미리 보기

대상 가용성: Q2 2023

App Service supports custom error pages in public preview

  • Features
5 15

Transition to Azure AD to query data from Azure Monitor application insights by 31 March 2026

개발 중

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 3월 31, 2026

API keys for querying data from Azure Monitor application insights will be retired on 31 March 2026

  • Retirements
5 15

Switch to Azure AD authentication for application insights by 30 September 2025

개발 중

대상 사용 중지 날짜: 9월 30, 2025

API keys used to stream live metrics telemetry into application insights will be retired on 30 September 2025.

  • Retirements
5 15

Microsoft Azure Payment HSM Service now supports two host IP network interfaces

지금 이용 가능

Azure Payment HSM Service now supports two host IP network interfaces

  • Azure Payment HSM
  • Security
  • Services
  • Features


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