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Power BI Embedded single-visual embedding

Published date: March 15, 2018


You can give your users more than a general Analytics page. By embedding visuals into your application, you can get in-page analytics where only the most relevant and insightful data resides next to your user’s day-to-day actions, making data-driven decisions easier than ever.

The fully flexible API gives you the capability to choose which visual to show for each user, or switch visuals in the same iframe during the user’s session. You can optimize the size and layout of each visual at any time using the new "custom layout" feature.

Unlike tile embedding, in order to embed a visual, you specify the report and report page for the visual. From the list of visuals on a page, you define which visuals will be hidden and which will be visible. This methodology has advantages:

  • Switching visuals. By switching visuals on the same report, you don't need to generate a new embed token. Just switch the visibility definition of the visuals, and you will immediately show different visuals that were already rendered.
  • Displaying multiple visuals. Why settle for a single visual, if you need more than one to gain insights? As you define the visibility of each visual, you can choose to show multiple visuals on the same iframe and define in real time the size and position of each one. By showing multiple visuals, you also enjoy interactivity and cross-filtering between visuals, just like a regular report.

You can explore the new API through our live demo tool, by selecting Sample Report Visual. You can read more about single-visual embedding in our documentation.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features

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