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Azure Communication Services SMS and Telephony now available in Public Preview

Published date: October 07, 2020

Azure Communication Services is a fully managed communication platform that makes it easy for businesses and developers to add voice, video, chat, and SMS capabilities to mobile apps, desktop applications, and websites with just a few lines of code.

Today, we are announcing the release of SMS and telephony capabilities now available in public preview.

Send an SMS from your app Azure Communication Services enables you to send and receive SMS text messages using the Communication Services SMS client libraries. These client libraries can be used to support customer service scenarios, appointment reminders, two-factor authentication, and other real-time communication needs. Communication Services SMS allows you to reliably send messages while exposing deliverability and response rate insights surrounding your campaigns.

Get a Phone Number You can use Azure Communication Services to provision and release telephone numbers. These telephone numbers can be used to initiate outbound calls and build SMS communications solutions.

Make and receive PSTN calls PSTN or public switched telephony network has evolved beyond simple landlines into ubiquitous 5G networks worldwide. With Azure communication services, you can now lease phone numbers, starting with US in preview, integrate these calling workflows into any of your enterprise applications seamlessly. 

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