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Monthly updates for February 2020

Feb 28

Service Management REST APIs and support will be retired on November 1, 2021

Target retirement date: November 01, 2021

To continue using Service Bus, Relay, and Event Hubs, please move your APIs to Azure Resource Manager.

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Retirements
Feb 28

Migrate your IaaS resources to Azure Resource Manager by March 1, 2023

Target retirement date: March 01, 2023

We encourage you to make the switch to Azure Resource Manager to take advantage of the many feature enhancements in ARM.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Retirements
Feb 27

Azure Site Recovery data encryption feature will be retired April 30, 2022

Target retirement date: April 30, 2022

This will be replaced by the more advanced Encryption at Rest with Azure Site Recovery, which uses Storage Service Encryption (SSE).

  • Azure Site Recovery
  • Retirements
Feb 27

We are retiring Azure AD Domain Services classic VNET support on March 1, 2023

Target retirement date: March 01, 2023

In 2017, Azure AD Domain Services became available to host in an Azure Resource Manager network. Since then, we have been able to build a more secure service using the Azure Resource Manager‘s modern capabilities.

  • Microsoft Entra Domain Services
  • Security
  • Retirements
Feb 26

Azure Load Balancer TCP resets on idle timeout is now available


Azure Load Balancer TCP resets on idle timeout is now generally available in all Azure regions.

  • Load Balancer
  • Features
Feb 26

Azure Virtual Network service endpoint policies feature is now available


Target availability: Q1 2020

Azure Virtual Network service endpoint policies enable you to prevent unauthorized access to Azure Storage accounts from your virtual network.

  • Virtual Network
  • Features
Feb 26

We’re retiring some Azure Site Recovery support options on March 1, 2023

Target retirement date: March 01, 2023

As we continue to invest in Azure Site Recovery (ASR) capabilities, we are going to focus our engineering efforts on disaster recovery to Azure scenarios.

  • Retirements
Feb 26

(updated) Azure StorSimple 8000/1200 series will no longer be supported starting December 31, 2022

Target retirement date: December 31, 2022

Microsoft has been expanding the portfolio of Azure Hybrid storage capabilities with new services for data tiering and cloud ingestion, providing more options to customers for storing data in Azure in native formats. In conjunction with this, support for the following StorSimple versions will end December 31, 2022.

  • StorSimple
  • Retirements
Feb 25

Preview a fully parsed YAML document without running the pipeline


With this update, we've added a preview-but-don't-run mode for YAML pipelines so you can try a YAML pipeline without running it or committing it to a repo. This will let you see a fully parsed YAML document without running the pipeline.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
Feb 25

A8 – A11 Azure Virtual Machine sizes will be retired on March 1, 2021

Target retirement date: March 01, 2021

We recommend moving your high performance computing (HPC) workloads to another HPC Virtual Machine size.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Retirements
Feb 25

Kubernetes on Azure Stack Hub in GA


We now support Kubernetes cluster deployment on Azure Stack Hub, a certified Kubernetes Cloud Provider. Install Kubernetes using Azure Resource Manager templates generated by ACS Engine on Azure Stack Hub.

  • Services
Feb 24

Virtual machines NVv4 series meter name changes

Effective April 1, 2020, the meter names of Virtual Machines NVv4 series will change because they will become generally available in West Europe and South Central and East US regions.

  • Virtual Machines
  • Services
Feb 24

Public IP prefix static IP addresses meter ID changes

Effective April 1, 2020, the resource GUIDs (also known as meter IDs) of public IP prefix standard static IP addresses in the US Gov region will change.

  • Virtual Network
  • Services
Feb 24

Cognitive Services Bing Speech API is being retired November 1, 2021

Target retirement date: November 01, 2021

To continue providing speech recognition and translation capabilities in your current Bing Speech applications, you’ll need to migrate them to Speech Services and the Speech SDK

  • Azure AI Search
  • Retirements
Feb 24

We are retiring Azure Media Analytics preview processors on June 1, 2020

Target retirement date: June 01, 2020

We’ve made significant investments to Video Optical Character Recognition, Face Detector, and Content Moderator, as a part of the general availability of Azure Media Services: Video Indexer.

  • Media Services
  • Retirements
Feb 24

Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Read API v3.0 now in preview

Target availability: Q1 2020

Cognitive Services Computer Vision Read API of is now available in v3.0 (in preview). Read features the newest models for optical character recognition (OCR), allowing you to extract text from printed and handwritten documents.

  • Azure AI services
  • Azure AI Vision
  • Features
Feb 24

Azure Security Center for IoT real-time operating system support


Azure Security Center for IoT now extends support for Azure real-time operating system (RTOS) in addition to Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) and Windows 10 IoT core operating systems.

  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Security
Feb 24

Fileless attack detection for Linux is now in preview


Azure Security Center is extending fileless attack detection for Linux, in addition to Windows.

  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Security
Feb 24

A secure foundation for IoT, Azure Sphere now generally available


Azure Sphere, the end-to-end solution for securing IoT devices, is now generally available with integrated hardware, software, and cloud services that work seamlessly to deliver active security by default.

  • Azure Sphere
  • Security
  • Services
  • Operating System
Feb 24

Azure Monitor Log Analytics now has new, upgraded visualizations


Target availability: Q1 2020

Azure Monitor Log Analytics has greatly improved the ability to visualize logs data.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features


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