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Atualizações mensais para dezembro 2023

18 dez

Generally Available: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 now supported on Azure Virtual Machines


Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.9 is the latest minor release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, which provides stability and security for production environments along with bug fixes and enhancements for improved performance and reliability. It also includes more features and capabilities to help customers customize their operating environment while maintaining the consistency needed for more efficient management and deployment across varied infrastructures.

  • Máquinas Virtuais do Linux
  • Red Hat Linux
  • Open Source
  • Operating System
18 dez

Store and manage medical imaging data with Azure Data Lake Storage (Preview)


With the integration of Azure Data Lake Storage and the DICOM service, organizations can now enjoy full control over their imaging data and increased flexibility for accessing and working with that data through the Azure storage ecosystem and APIs.

  • Services
  • Features
6 dez

Public Preview: Accelerated logs in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server


Disponibilidade de destino: Q4 2023

Gain a performance boost in the Business-Critical service tier of Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server with accelerated logs.

  • Base de Dados do Azure para MySQL
  • Features
6 dez

General Availability: Connection audit logs for Enterprise tier caches for Azure Cache for Redis


Disponibilidade de destino: Q4 2023

Log all connections to your cache.

  • Cache do Azure para Redis
  • Features


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