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Havi frissítések: május 2018

máj. 7

Azure SignalR Service


Azure SignalR Service, now in preview, is a fully-managed service that allows developers to focus on building real-time web experiences without worrying about capacity provisioning, reliable connections, scaling, encryption, or authentication.

  • Features
máj. 7

Windows Server Container support from App Service


We are actively working on Windows Server Container support from App Service. Once support is available, developers will be able to lift and shift their .NET apps to Windows Server Container and deploy to Azure App Service.

  • Features
máj. 7

Azure Lab Services


Előzetes verzióban elérhető az Azure Lab Services, amellyel egyszerűen hozhat létre számítógéplabort a felhőben. Az Azure Lab Services a Azure DevTest Labs kiterjesztése, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy teljes mértékben testre szabott, megosztható és biztonságos laborokat hozzon létre.

  • Features
máj. 7

.NET Core 2.1 Release Candidate now available


The release candidate for .NET Core 2.1 is now available with a "go-live" license. This means you can use this release in production and Microsoft will support you.

  • Features
máj. 7

.NET Core 3.0 Roadmap is now available


The roadmap for the next major version of .NET Core, .NET Core 3.0, is now available. This will expand the supported workloads to Windows desktop, bringing Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF), Windows Forms (WinForms), and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app frameworks to .NET Core.

  • Features
máj. 7

Durable Functions now generally available


Announcing general availability of Durable Functions functionality in Azure Functions. Durable Functions is an Azure Functions extension for building long-running, stateful function orchestrations in code using C# in a serverless environment.

  • Features
máj. 7

Cloud Events in Azure Event Grid


Support for Cloud Events in Azure Event Grid is now available in preview. Cloud Events is an open standard for events that has been developed as a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in partnership with Microsoft, Google, IBM, Oracle, and other cloud vendors.

  • Features
máj. 7

Multimaster support with Azure Cosmos DB


Now available in private preview, Azure Cosmos DB offers multi-master support at global scale together with low latency and high availability, tunable consistency models, and comprehensive and flexible conflict resolution support (custom, LWW, CRDTs).

  • Features
máj. 7

Azure monitor container health


Monitoring the health and performance of your Azure Container Service (AKS) cluster is important to ensure that your applications are up and running as expected.

  • Features
máj. 7

Public preview: Azure Blockchain Workbench


Quickly start and scale blockchain projects with Azure Blockchain Workbench.

máj. 7

New connectors available in Azure Data Factory

New connectors are available in Azure Data Factory: Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Oracle Responsys.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
máj. 4

Reliable Services and Reliable Actors on Linux now available to the public


With the new Java and .NET Core support, you can use your preferred language to build reliable services and actors with the Service Fabric API using .NET Core 2.0 and Java 8 SDKs on Linux. 

  • Features
máj. 4

General availability: Azure Database for MySQL in new regions and compute generation

Azure Database for MySQL is generally available in additional regions.

  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • Regions & Datacenters
máj. 4

General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL in new regions and compute generation

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is generally available in additional regions.

  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Regions & Datacenters
máj. 4

Preview: The vCore-based purchasing model for Azure SQL Database is extended with additional compute and storage options


The vCore-based purchasing model for Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool and Single Database offers additional compute and storage configurations.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Services
  • Pricing & Offerings
máj. 4

Data Factory supports wildcard file filters for Copy Activity

Data Factory Copy Activity supports wildcard file filters when you're copying data from file-based data stores.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
máj. 2

Breaking change for SNI-SSL host names on Azure App Service

Sites that have SNI-SSL selected will not be able to work with TLS 1.0 selected, if receiving traffic from older browser versions.

  • App Service
  • Azure Functions
  • Features
máj. 1

General availability: Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen2

SQL Data Warehouse Gen2 is generally available. Take advantage of five times the compute power and four times the concurrent queries.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
ápr. 30

Secure credential management by using Azure Key Vault and Data Factory

Azure Data Factory is now integrated with Azure Key Vault. You can store credentials for your data stores and computes referred in Data Factory ETL workloads in a key vault.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Services
  • Features


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