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Atualizações mensais para março 2021

29 mar

Wire Data 2.0 (preview) will be retired on 31 March 2022

Data de extinção alvo: março 31, 2022

Because Azure Monitor Virtual Machine insights and Service Map both provide network connection data sets in Logs, utilize the Dependency agent, and have connections with Azure Sentinel, we will be retiring Wire Data 2.0 (preview) on 31 March 2022. Please transition to using Azure Monitor Virtual Machine insights or Service Map by that date.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Mapa do Serviço
  • Retirements
29 mar

General availability: Azure Data Explorer external tables


Create an external table located in Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Store Gen1, or Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 to analyze and query your data.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Features
29 mar

Encryption scopes in Azure Storage now generally available


Encryption scopes enable you to provision multiple encryption keys to manage encryption at the container or blob level.  Customers and ISVs can now use a single storage account for multi-tenancy scenarios by provisioning separate encryption keys for each customer. The key that protects an encryption scope may be either a Microsoft-managed key or a customer-managed key in Azure Key Vault. 

  • Contas de Armazenamento
  • Security
  • Features
29 mar

General availability: Azure Communication Services


Now you can use Azure Communication Services to add video, voice, SMS, chat, and telephony capabilities into almost any web, mobile, or desktop application.

  • Serviço de Aplicações
  • Management
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
29 mar

Backup for Azure Managed Disk is now generally available


Azure Disk Backup offers snapshot lifecycle management to Azure Managed Disk by automating periodic creation of snapshot and retain it for configured duration using Backup policy.

  • Azure Backup
  • Máquinas Virtuais
  • Managed Disks
  • Features
26 mar

Pré-visualização pública: Etiquetas de Serviço para Encaminhamento Definido pelo Utilizador


Simplifique a criação e gestão de rotas com Etiquetas de Serviço para representar vários intervalos de IP numa única rota. Utilize mais de 60 etiquetas que representam intervalos para o serviço Microsoft e Azure.

  • Rede Virtual
  • Features
26 mar

Disponibilidade geral: Stream Analytics em execução no Azure Stack Hub


O Stream Analytics já está disponível no Azure Stack Hub como módulo do IoT Edge e permite suportar adaptadores nativos de entrada e saída, como o Hub de Eventos e o Hub IoT. Permite aos clientes criar soluções de dados verdadeiramente híbridas.

  • Azure Stack Hub
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Services
26 mar

Generally available: Azure HPC – CycleCloud 8.1.1


This release includes a considerable list of resolved issues and a retired feature.

  • Azure CycleCloud
  • Features
25 mar

General availability: New VM series supported by Azure Batch


Take advantage of new VM sizes that are now available when creating your Batch pools, including the latest HPC and GPU sizes.

  • Batch
  • Features
25 mar

General availability: IoT Hub Azure portal extension update


If you're using IP filter, add your computer's IP address to the allow list to keep using IoT Hub in Azure portal.

  • Hub IoT do Azure
  • Security
25 mar

Public preview: Announcing the new Power BI embedded analytics playground


Check out the new Power BI embedded analytics playground (public preview). You can find in the new playground experiences for developer and non-developers to get first-hand experience of Power BI embedded analytics.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Open Source
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
24 mar

AzCopy v10.9.0 now in public preview: import from GCP to Azure Block Blobs


AzCopy v10.9.0 now in preview supports Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to Microsoft Azure Storage Block Blob imports. This version also includes scanning logs which can help in debugging. 

  • Contas de Armazenamento
  • Armazenamento de Blobs do Azure
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
24 mar

Pré-visualização pública: Suporte de IPv6 para o Peering Privado do ExpressRoute


Este suporte irá desbloquear a conectividade híbrida para si à medida que se expande para novos mercados dependentes de IPv6 ou faz a transição para o IPv6 nas suas próprias redes.

  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Circuitos do ExpressRoute
  • Gateways do ExpressRoute
  • Features
23 mar

Azure Automation is now available in UK West


Automate tasks across Azure & Non-Azure environment using PowerShell and Python based scripts.

  • Automatização
  • Regions & Datacenters
23 mar

Azure Container Registry now available in Norway East region


Azure Container Registry is now generally available in Norway East region. Azure Container Registry handles private Docker container images as well as related content formats, such as Helm charts, OCI artifacts, and images built to the OCI image format specification.

  • Azure Container Registry
  • Regions & Datacenters
23 mar

General availability: Publishing VM Images from Shared Image Gallery to Azure Marketplace


ISVs can capture their images directly into Shared Image Gallery and select those images for publishing with an inline experience in Partner Center in just two steps.

  • Máquinas Virtuais
  • Mercado
  • Features
22 mar

General availability: Enhanced Azure Dashboards experience for pinned Log Analytics parts


Log Analytics enhances pinned parts Azure Dashboards experience.

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
19 mar

HBv3-Series VMs now generally available in East US, South Central US, and West Europe


HBv3-series VMs for HPC now available in the East US, South Central US, and West Europe regions

  • Máquinas Virtuais
  • Services
  • Features
19 mar

Azure Sphere OS version 21.03 is now available for evaluation


The 21.03 OS quality update includes enhancements to mitigate against 5 CVEs.

  • Azure Sphere
  • Operating System
18 mar

Assinaturas de acesso partilhado (SAS) com âmbito de diretório em disponibilidade geral


A SAS com âmbito de diretório permite uma atribuição de acesso mais granular para o ADLS Gen2.

  • Armazenamento de Blobs do Azure
  • Armazenamento do Azure Data Lake
  • Contas de Armazenamento
  • Security
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features


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