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Azure IoT Operations の価格

Azure IoT Operations and Azure Device Registry pricing overview

Pricing is based on usage and requires an Azure subscription. You can obtain an Azure subscription for free.

Azure IoT Operations and Azure Device Registry licensing uses a pay-as-you-go model.

For Azure IoT Operations, the unit of billing measurement is based on the number of Kubernetes nodes in an Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster where Azure IoT Operations is installed. Usage is reported on the day an Azure IoT Operations instance is created, and you're then billed for the number of nodes that contain Azure IoT Operations workloads.

Azure Device Registry is an integral product offering with a pricing model based on the number of assets that are registered in the Azure Device Registry service. Usage is reported on an hourly basis at a subscription level.



Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Connecting to non-Azure data services may result in additional charges. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using London closing spot rates that are captured in the two business days prior to the last business day of the previous month end. If the two business days prior to the end of the month fall on a bank holiday in major markets, the rate setting day is generally the day immediately preceding the two business days. This rate applies to all transactions during the upcoming month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current program/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing. Customer may install and use Azure IoT Operations at no charge for a 30-day trial period. At the end of the trial period, fees will apply.


Azure IoT Operations and Azure Device Registry pricing is based on the US currency list pricing with no discounts applied.

Detailed pricing information:

  • Licensing model is Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement.
  • For a list of included software, see Azure IoT Operations included software.
  • Unit of measurement for Azure IoT Operations as well as for Azure Device Registry is hourly, as illustrated in the table.
  • You're billed for the number of nodes that contain Azure IoT Operations workloads installed per Azure IoT instance per month. For Azure Device Registry, you are billed for the number of assets (Azure resources) per month.
  • For Azure IoT Operations only, your first 30 days of usage records are treated as trial period. Usage records don't contribute to billing during this period.
Service Price
Azure IoT Operations (per node) $-/時間
Azure Device Registry* (per asset) $-/時間

*Azure Device Registry is required with Azure IoT Operations. Learn more here.

Azure の価格および購入オプション

Microsoft と直接つながる

Azure の価格のチュートリアルをご覧ください。お客様のクラウド ソリューションの価格について理解したり、コストの最適化について確認したり、カスタム提案を要求したりすることができます。



Azure の Web サイト、Microsoft の担当者、または Azure パートナーを通じて、Azure サービスをご購入ください。



Azure IoT Operations

Azure IoT Operations の特徴と機能についての詳細情報


Azure 製品の任意の組み合わせを使用する場合の推定の月間コストを見積もります。


技術チュートリアル、ビデオ、その他の Azure IoT Operations のリソースをご確認ください。

  • Your first 30 days of usage are treated as trial period. Usage records don't contribute to billing during this period.
  • No, Azure Device Registry billing is per asset per month measured on an hourly basis. Usage records will be processed starting from the first asset creation.
  • Yes. The usage records are processed for billing in any environment where Azure IoT Operations is installed.
  • No. You're only billed for the nodes which execute Azure IoT Operations workloads. For example, based on a three node cluster, where Azure IoT Operations only runs on two nodes, the licensing cost for Azure IoT Operations is two billable nodes. Node utilization by workloads on Kubernetes is based on many factors such as capacity, workload processing and memory demands based on throughput, and cluster configuration.
  • No. The pricing model is pay-as-you-go and hourly prorated. You're only billed for the hourly use of Azure IoT Operations for that month.
  • The easiest way to ensure that your Azure IoT Operations bill doesn't exceed your monthly expectations is to install it on a cluster with a fixed and known node count.

Azure の価格の説明については、営業担当者にお問い合わせください。クラウド ソリューションの価格を把握できます。

無料のクラウド サービスと、30 日間 Azure を検証できる $200 のクレジットを利用できます。

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