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: Ocak 2024 için Aylık güncelleştirmeler

22 Oca

Azure Advisor integration with Azure Monitor Log Analytics Workspace


Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that helps you follow best practices to optimize your Azure deployments. It analyzes your resource configuration and usage telemetry and then recommends solutions that can help you improve the cost effectiveness, performance, Reliability, and security of your Azure resources.   We in Azure Monitor believe that observability should be cost effective, and we want to help our customers control their cost, operational excellence, performance, reliability, and security of their  Azure  resources. This, in turn, helps grow their overall satisfaction with, and usage of Azure.  We have introduced several cost optimization related recommendations and added Azure Advisor to the Log Analytics Workspace admin experience. more recommendations are on the way. 

  • Log Analytics
  • Azure Danışmanı
  • Compliance
  • Features
  • Pricing & Offerings


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