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Visual Studio Online build system preview

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 22 Mei, 2015
The next version of our build system is publicly available in Visual Studio Online. In addition to all of the new capabilities, you have access to the hosted queue, which enables you to run builds on virtual machines running in Azure. For our initial public preview, any builds you run in the hosted pool will not count against your 60 free build minutes or subscription.Included in the preview is support for building projects that are hosted in public or private GitHub repositories. You can set up a continuous integration build in Visual Studio Online that kicks off when code is pushed to your GitHub repository. The build results page provides a link to the associated GitHub commits, and the status of these commits updates based on the result of the build.You can show the status of the build on your GitHub repository’s Readme file or on your website. To enable, navigate to the General tab of your build definition and check the Badge enabled box. You can then embed the provided image URL onto a Markdown or HTML page so users can see the latest status of the repository.For more information, see:
  • Azure DevOps