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Virtual Machine (VM) level disk bursting is now generally available on more VM types

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 06 Juli, 2021

Virtual machine level disk bursting is a now enabled for our Dsv4, Dasv4, Ddsv4, Esv4, Easv4, Edsv4, Fsv2 and B-series VM families, which allows your virtual machine to burst its disk IO and MiB/s throughput performance for a short time daily. This enables your VMs to handle unforeseen spikey disk traffic smoothly and process batched jobs with speed. There is no additional cost associated with this new capability or adjustments on the VM pricing and it comes enabled by default.

Some example scenarios where bursting helps:

  • Improving boot times  - With your virtual machine and your disks both being able to burst and with fully stocked with bursting credits to start, your instance will be able to boot at a much faster rate than before.
  • Handling batch jobs – Some application’s workloads are cyclical in nature and require a baseline performance for most of the time and require higher performance for a short period of time. For instance, an accounting program that processes transactions daily typically requires a small amount of disk traffic but needs a higher amount of disk traffic when reconciling month end reports.
  • Preparedness for traffic spikes – Web servers and their applications can get a surge of traffic from unforeseen circumstances. With bursting virtual machines and disks backing the web servers, the web servers will handle traffic spikes smoothly and improve their customer’s experience by reducing load times under heavy stress.  

Learn more.

  • Azure Disk Storage
  • Disk Terkelola
  • Features

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