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MyGet available in the Microsoft Azure Store

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 08 Agustus, 2014
MyGet provides hosted NuGet servers. Developers can use their own packages to create and host NuGet feeds, or use another package source (such as NuGet.org). MyGet already provides a popular integration with Visual Studio Online. Now developers can manage packages in one portal alongside their Azure services. If you're a Microsoft Azure customer, here’s how to create a new MyGet account:
  1. Go to the Microsoft Azure Management Portal.
  2. In the bottom toolbar, click New and then click Store.
  3. In the Choose an Add-on box, click MyGet and then click Next.
  4. In the Personalize Add-on box, choose the MyGet plan you want to sign up for.
  5. If you want to create one (or more) paid subscriptions, use the promotional code STORELAUNCH. You'll get a 25 percent discount during the first six months of the subscription (the code is valid until end of August 2014).
  6. After the subscription is created, click Manage in the bottom toolbar and then create a username and password for your subscription.
Happy packaging!
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