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Azure VMware Solutions is now generally available

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 06 Mei, 2019

Use Azure VMware Solutions to bring your VMware-based environments to Azure without any modifications. This new category of Azure services allows you to deploy your VMware-based workloads on a dedicated, bare metal and single tenant Azure infrastructure. The offerings provide the management systems, networking services, operating platform, and backend infrastructure required to run native VMware environments at scale in Azure. Azure VMware Solutions are delivered by Microsoft and are VMware Cloud Verified. You can manage your existing environment with the same VMware tools you already know, while modernizing your applications with Azure services.

Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple is the first product, as part of this new category of Azure services, that’s now generally available. Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple is available in the US East and US West Azure regions. We plan to deliver the service in additional Azure regions, starting with the West Europe region, in the near future.

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  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure Migrate
  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Mesin Virtual
  • Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple
  • Services