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Azure Cognitive Services Containers are in preview

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 14 November, 2018

Container support is now available in preview for a few of the Azure Cognitive Services, including Computer VisionFace, and Text Analytics. Deploy Azure Cognitive Services on-premises and on the edge with container support.. Cognitive Services containers allow developers to use the same intelligent APIs that are available in Azure, but with the flexibility that comes with Docker containers. Use Cognitive Services with complete control over your data, which is essential when you can’t send data to the cloud but need access to Cognitive Services technology. Cognitive Services containers give you flexibility in versioning and updating of models deployed in your solutions, and also enable the creation of a portable application architecture that can be deployed in the cloud, on-premises, and on the edge.

Please refer to our documentation for additional details.

  • Layanan Azure AI
  • Services

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