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Azure DNS pricing

Host your DNS domain in Azure

Azure DNS allows you to host your DNS domain in Azure, so you can manage your DNS records using the same credentials, billing, and support contract as your other Azure services. Zones can be either public or private, where Private DNS Zones are only visible to VMs that are in your virtual network. Our global network of name servers uses Anycast routing to provide outstanding performance and availability.

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Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using London closing spot rates that are captured in the two business days prior to the last business day of the previous month end. If the two business days prior to the end of the month autumn on a bank holiday in major markets, the rate setting day is generally the day immediately preceding the two business days. This rate applies to all transactions during the forthcoming month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current programme/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing.

DNS Private Resolver

Not available Price
Azure DNS Private Resolver inbound endpoint 1 endpoint - $-/month prorated to hours if discontinued earlier
Azure DNS Private Resolver outbound endpoint 1 endpoint - $-/month prorated to hours if discontinued earlier
Azure DNS Private Resolver rulesets 1 ruleset - $-/month prorated to hours if discontinued earlier

Azure DNS billing is based on the number of DNS zones hosted in Azure and the number of DNS queries received.

DNS Public and Private Zones
First 25 hosted DNS zones $- per zone per month1
Additional hosted DNS zones (over 25) $- per zone per month1
First billion DNS queries/month $- per million2
Additional DNS queries (over 1 billion)/month $- per million2

1Per-zone charge is calculated daily; partial months are pro-rated.

2Queries are aggregated within an Azure subscription for billing purposes.

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Azure DNS

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  • A domain is a unique name in the domain name system, for example “”.

    A DNS zone is used to host the DNS records for a particular domain. For example, the domain may contain a number of DNS records, such as (for a mail server) and (for a web site).

    Azure DNS allows you to host a DNS zone and thereby manage the DNS records for a domain in Azure.

  • Not necessarily.

    You do not need to purchase a domain to host a DNS zone in Azure DNS. You can create a DNS zone at any time without owning the domain name.

    However, you will need to purchase the domain name if you want to link your DNS zone into the global DNS hierarchy—this enables DNS queries from anywhere in the world to find your DNS zone and be answered with your DNS records.

  • No, Azure DNS does not currently support purchasing of domain names. To purchase domains, you should use a third-party domain name registrar, who will typically charge a small annual fee.

  • A sub-region is the lowest level geo-location which you may select to deploy your applications and associated data. For data transfers (except CDN), the following regions correspond to Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3.

    • Zone 1—Australia Central, Australia Central 2, Canada Central, Canada East, North Europe, West Europe, France Central, France South, Germany North (Public), Germany West Central (Public), Norway East, Norway West, Switzerland North, Switzerland West, UK South, UK West, Central US, East US, East US 2, North Central US, South Central US, West US, West US 2, West Central US
    • Zone 2—East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia East, Australia Southeast, Central India, South India, West India, Japan East, Japan West, Korea Central, Korea South
    • Zone 3—Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, South Africa North, South Africa West, UAE Central, UAE North
    • Germany Zone—Germany Central (Sovereign), Germany Northeast (Sovereign)
    • US Gov Zone 1—US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, US Gov Virginia

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