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Månedlige opdateringer til Azure Data Explorer: januar 2024

24 jan

New Features for graph-match KQL Operator: Enhanced Pattern Matching and Cycle Control


Tilgængelighed af destination: Q1 2024

The graph-match operator in Kusto Query Language (KQL) allows you to query your data as a graph and find matches for a specified pattern. The latest update introduces two new features: the cycles parameter and the nonlinear patterns. These features enable you to control how cycles are matched and express more complex and flexible patterns in your graph queries.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
23 jan

General availability: Azure Data Explorer adds new geospatial capabilities


Kusto now has three new geospatial functions: geo_polygon_to_h3cells(), geo_angle() and geo_azimuth(). These functions are designed to help you better understand and analyze your geospatial data.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
8 jan

Public Preview: Azure Data Explorer connector for Apache Flink


Azure Data Explorer connector for Apache Flink (Public Preview)

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • HDInsight
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Open Source
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features


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