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Mayıs 2018 için Aylık güncelleştirmeler

8 May

Custom report tooltips and Q&A explorer available for Power BI Embedded


Power BI Embedded has released additional support for customization with report tooltips and Q&A explorer.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
8 May

Data Factory Lookup activity supports a rich set of connectors

The Data Factory Lookup activity supports retrieving a dataset from any of the ADF-supported data sources.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
8 May

Data Factory GetMetadata activity supports more sources and metadata options

The Data Factory GetMetadata activity supports more sources and metadata options.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
7 May

Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Standard plan


The App Service on Linux Standard plan (along with Basic and Premium plans) is generally available. New names and resource GUIDs will be reflected in billing statements starting June 1, 2018.

  • App Service
7 May

GUID migration: Container Instances


Container Instances is now available in the West US, West US 2, East US, West Europe, North Europe, and Southeast Asia regions. Starting July 1, 2018, the global GUIDs will be split out into regional GUIDs.

  • Container Instances
7 May

Name changes: Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen1 and Gen2


To reflect key investments and capability updates, “SQL Data Warehouse” is now renamed to “Compute Optimized Gen1” or “Compute Optimized Gen2,” respectively.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
7 May

Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Premium plan


The App Service on Linux Premium plan (along with Standard and Basic plans) is generally available. New names and resource GUIDs will be reflected in billing statements starting June 1, 2018.

  • App Service
7 May

Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service by using DevOps Projects: Sprint 134 Update

The Sprint 134 Update of Visual Studio Team Services brings better support for Ruby, Python, and Java languages in for build and even more deployment options for release.

  • Azure DevOps
  • Features
7 May

Name changes and GUID migration: Azure App Service on Linux Basic plan


The App Service on Linux Basic plan (along with Standard and Premium plans) is generally available. New names and resource GUIDs will be reflected in billing statements starting June 1, 2018.

  • App Service
7 May

Genel önizleme: Anlık görüntülerden geri yükleme


Azure App Service Anlık Görüntüler özelliği genel önizleme aşamasındadır.

  • App Service
  • Features
7 May

Manage Azure Cosmos DB in Azure Storage Explorer


Using Azure Cosmos DB in Azure Storage Explorer allows users to manage Azure Cosmos DB entities, manipulate data, update stored procedures and triggers along with other Azure entities like Storage blobs and queues.

  • Features
7 May

Application Security Groups now available


Application security groups (ASGs) enable you to define fine-grained network security policies based on workloads, applications, or environments instead of explicit IP addresses. You can group VMs with named monikers and secure applications by filtering traffic from trusted segments of your network.

  • Features
7 May

Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse transparent data encryption with customer managed keys


Now available to the public, Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse transparent data encryption offers Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) support with Azure Key Vault integration.

  • Features
7 May

Azure Maps now Generally Available


Azure Maps is now Generally Available

  • Features
7 May

Virtual Network Service Endpoint for Azure Cosmos DB


Now available to the public, Virtual Network Service Endpoint helps to ensure access to Azure Cosmos DB from the preferred virtual network subnet.

  • Features
7 May

Azure Cosmos DB bulk library in .NET and Java now available


The Azure Cosmos DB bulk executor library is now available for download in .NET via Nuget and Java via Maven. You can import and migrate large datasets efficiently into Azure Cosmos DB collections within minutes using the library.

  • Features
7 May

Azure Cognitive Search


Cognitive Search, a new preview feature in the existing Azure Search service, includes an enrichment pipeline allowing you to find rich structured information from documents. That information can then become part of your Azure Search index.

  • Features
7 May

Azure Cosmos DB | Provision throughput at database level


Azure Cosmos DB customers with multiple collections can now provision throughput at a database level and share throughput across the database, making large collection databases cheaper to start and operate.

  • Features
7 May

Windows Server version 1803


In this latest update to Windows Server, we've continued to prioritize customer feedback by delivering additional optimizations to the server core base container image to reduce footprint and download times. We’re also delivering increased application compatibility, better performance, additional Kubernetes support, and continued optimizations for native Linux containers through Hyper-V isolation.

  • Features
7 May

Multi-container support from Azure App Service


You can now deploy web apps composed of multiple Docker containers to App Service on Linux, which takes care of capacity provisioning, load balancing, and underlying infrastructure maintenance. With this new capability, you can easily bring your Docker Compose or Kubernetes Pod definition to App Service and use powerful App Service capabilities such as built-in CI/CD, auto scaling, and intelligent diagnostics.

  • Features


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