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marts 2023

1 mar

General availability: New enhanced connection troubleshoot


Azure Network Watcher announces enhanced connection troubleshoot helping resolve network connectivity issue comprehensively along with actionable insights

  • Azure Monitor
  • Network Watcher
  • Features

februar 2023

21 feb

Now Available: Azure Monitor Query client module for Go


The initial stable release of the Azure Monitor Query module for Go is now available. Build apps that perform read-only queries in Azure Monitor's Logs and Metrics platforms.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Log Analytics
  • Målinger
  • SDK and Tools

januar 2023

23 jan

Offentlig prøveversion: Understøttelse af objektbeholderindsigt for AKS-hybridklynger


Objektbeholderindsigt understøtter nu AKS-hybridklynger

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features

november 2022

30 nov

General availability: Azure Monitor Logs, custom log API and ingestion-time transformations

New Custom Log API and Ingestion-time Transformations announced in Azure Monitor Logs.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
30 nov

General availability: Azure Monitor agent custom and IIS logs


Azure Monitor agent team has shipped custom log collection and IIS log collection.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
9 nov

Generel tilgængelighed: Administrer dine Log Analytics-tabeller i Azure Portal


Log Analytics-tabeller kan nu administreres fra Azure Portal-tabelposten i Log Analytics-arbejdsområder.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features

oktober 2022

26 okt

Public preview: New metrics capabilities in OpenTelemetry-based Application Insights


Use OpenTelemetry vender-neutral APIs to power distributed tracing and metrics experiences in Azure Monitor Application Insights.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
12 okt

Public preview: Azure resource topology


Enhancing network and resource health visualization with unified and dynamic topology across subscriptions, regions, and resource groups.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Network Watcher
  • Microsoft Ignite
  • Features
12 okt

Offentlig prøveversion: Integration af Azure Monitor Agent med Forbindelsesovervågning


Integration af understøttelse af Azure Monitor Agent i Forbindelsesovervågning til overvågning af forbindelse til ARC-aktiverede slutpunkter.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Network Watcher
  • Microsoft Ignite
  • Features
12 okt

General availability: Azure Monitor Logs - capabilities to add value and lower costs


Azure Monitor Logs announce the general availability of capabilities that help you increase cost effectiveness.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Public preview: Azure Monitor application insights Java profiling, using Java Flight Recorder


Java application profiling using Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is now in preview in Azure Monitor application insights.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Public preview: Azure Monitor Logs - create granular level RBAC for custom tables


Setting RBAC query read action on Azure Monitor Logs table is now publicly available.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Offentlig prøveversion: Administreret Azure Monitor-tjeneste til Prometheus


Azure Monitors nye fuldt administrerede Prometheus-kompatible tjeneste giver dig det bedste af det, du kan lide ved økosystemet med åben kildekode, samtidig med at komplekse opgaver automatiseres, f.eks. skalering, høj tilgængelighed og langsigtet dataopbevaring.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Public preview: Rules for Azure Kubernetes Service and Log Analytic workspace resources


Enable a set of recommended alert rules for your Azure Kubernetes Service and Log Analytics workspace resources.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Generally available: Azure Monitor agent migration tools


Migration to the cost-effective, secure, performant, and manageable new Azure Monitor agent is now made easy using migration tools and helpers.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite
12 okt

Generally available: Azure Monitor agent support for Windows clients


Using the new Windows client installer you can now get the benefits of the new agent and data collection rules on your Windows 10 and 11 client devices.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Microsoft Ignite

september 2022

30 sep

The application insights Java 2.X SDK will be retired on 30 September 2025

Fastsat udfasningsdato: september 30, 2025

Upgrade to application insights Java 3.X auto-instrumentation by 30 September 2025.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Application Insights
  • Retirements
30 sep

Azure Monitor ITSM connector for creating ServiceNow events will be retired on 30 September 2025

Fastsat udfasningsdato: september 30, 2025

We are retiring the Azure Monitor ITSM connector feature for creating ServiceNow alerts on 30 September 2025.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Compliance
  • Retirements
  • Services
30 sep

Azure Monitor ITSM connector for creating ServiceNow alerts will be retired on 30 September 2025

Fastsat udfasningsdato: september 30, 2025

We are retiring the Azure Monitor ITSM connector feature for creating ServiceNow alerts on 30 September 2025.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Retirements
  • Services
28 sep

Public preview: Billing has started for Azure Monitor Logs data archive


Billing has started for Azure Monitor Logs data archive on September 1, 2022.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features

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