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Azure Virtual Machines – large disk sizes of up to 4 TB

Published date: 30 June, 2017

We’re excited to announce an increase in the maximum disk sizes for both Premium and Standard storage. This will extend the maximum size of the disks from 1,024 GB to 4,095 GB, and enable customers to add four times more disk storage capacity per virtual machine. Customers will now be able to provision up to a total of 256 TB of disk storage on a GS5 virtual machine using 64 disks with 4 TB capacity. As a result, customers will no longer need to scale up to multiple virtual machines or strip multiple disks to provision larger disk capacity.


We’ll also introduce two new disk sizes in P40 (2 TB) and P50 (4 TB) for both managed and unmanaged Premium Disks, as well as S40 (2 TB) and S50 (4 TB) for Standard managed disks. This will provide flexibility for customers to provision an appropriate disk size that will match their workloads. They will also be able to provision the maximum disk size of 4,095 GB for Standard unmanaged disks.


Large disks are currently available in all Azure regions except sovereign clouds, which includes US Gov, US DOD, Germany and China. We’ll have large disks available in sovereign clouds in the near future.


Read more about the increase in disk sizes.



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