
Azure DevTest Labs: Manage your data disks

發佈日期: 十月 06, 2016

Azure DevTest Labs now allows lab users to view and manage all the data disks they've created for their lab VMs. You can find a list of the data disks that you own in the lab through My data disks:

The list shows all the data disks you've created for your VMs in the lab. The STATUS column shows whether a data disk is available to use for any of your lab VMs or whether it has already been attached to a VM. The VIRTUAL MACHINE column shows which lab VM the data disk has been attached to.

You can detach (if it's attached to a VM) or delete (if it's available) a selected data disk from the context menu or the expanded data disk blade.  

Please try it today and let us know what you think about it! If you have an idea for how to make it work better, submit your feedback (or vote for others) at the Azure DevTest Labs feedback forum.

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