Microsoft Purview delivers data security, data governance, and data compliance solutions. The product pricing details in the Data Security and Data Governance tabs below reflect updated pricing details for the new Microsoft Purview data governance product. Learn more about the new Microsoft Purview data governance product. The product pricing in the Data Map (Classic) tab reflects the previous Azure Purview Service pricing details.
Some Microsoft Purview capabilities are offered as a subscription-based licensing, learn more. The pricing on this page represents Microsoft Purview consumption-based capabilities. Please note that Data Map (classic) capabilities are utilized via the previous Azure Purview experience.
價格僅為估算值,並非實際價格報價。實際定價可能會根據與 Microsoft 簽訂的合約類型、購買日期和目前貨幣匯率而有所不同。價格是根據美元計算,並使用前一個月底最後一個工作天之前兩個工作天內擷取的倫敦即期匯率進行轉換。如果月底的前兩個工作天是主要市場中的銀行假日,則匯率設定日期通常為兩個工作天之前的那一天。此匯率適用於下個月的所有交易。登入 Azure 定價計算機查看依據您目前 Microsoft 方案/供應項目所訂的定價。如需定價的詳細資訊或要求報價,請連絡 Azure 銷售專員。請參閱 Azure 定價常見問題集。
美國政府機構有資格透過授權解決方案提供者購買 Azure Government 服務,無須預先支付費用;亦可直接透過隨用隨付線上訂用帳戶購買。
重要 - 以 R$ 表示的價格僅供參考;這是國際交易,因此最終價格需視匯率與是否內含 IOF 稅而定,而且不會發行 eNF。
美國政府機構有資格透過授權解決方案提供者購買 Azure Government 服務,無須預先支付費用;亦可直接透過隨用隨付線上訂用帳戶購買。
重要 - 以 R$ 表示的價格僅供參考;這是國際交易,因此最終價格需視匯率與是否內含 IOF 稅而定,而且不會發行 eNF。
Data Security | Information Protection And Data Loss Prevention
Microsoft Purview Information Protection and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) are billed based upon the number of assets protected, such as tables, files, or resource sets. Assets are identified and classified based upon their sensitivity and level of protection required. This classification can be done manually by end users or automatically using auto-labeling policies within Microsoft Purview. In addition, DLP or protection policies can then be applied to these assets to control how they are handled, shared, and protected. These policies can enforce actions like access control, auditing, and end user notifications for the monitoring of this sensitive information. Billing is calculated based upon the number of assets that are auto-labeled and protected under these policies.
Feature | SKU | 價格 |
Microsoft Information Protection and Data Loss Prevention | Standard |
$- per asset per day
or ~$- per month |
Data Security | Insider Risk Management
Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management is billed based on the data security processing unit (DSPU). Insider Risk Management processes activities corresponding to the indicators selected in the policies to generate insights, alerts and cases. Billing is calculated based on the number of processing units required for the indicators and users selected in the policies. A DSPU is defined as the compute required to process 10,000 user activity logs.
Feature | SKU | 價格 |
Insider Risk Management | Standard | $- per data security processing unit |
Microsoft Purview Data Governance | Enterprise Data Catalog
Microsoft Purview Data Governance Enterprise Catalog is billed based on a single meter, data catalog, that is initiated when customers govern unique data assets. Data assets such as tables, views, AI models, semantic models, and many others that are linked to governance concepts in the product, such as data products and critical data elements, are counted as governed assets. Assets that are collected in the Purview Data Map, but not linked to the governance concepts aren't counted as governed assets.
For example, if an organization has 500 tables, views, stored procedures, resource sets, and AI models in their data map, while only 200 unique governed assets in the data catalog, the monthly cost, for 30-days, would be $100 (without discounts). The 300 assets that aren't linked to the data products or critical data elements aren't considered governed assets and therefore not counted. Data catalog managed assets are priced uniformly across regions. This pay-as-you-go model for a managed asset is prorated based on days governed within the monthly billing cycle.
Feature | SKU | Pay-As-You-Go Price |
Data Catalog | Standard |
$- per asset per day
or ~$- per month |
Microsoft Purview Data Governance | Enterprise Data Management
Data management usage is billed based on the Data Governance Processing Unit (DGPU) pay-as-you-go meters. A DGPU (1 DGPU) is the equivalent to 60 minutes of fully-managed compute time, taken to produce data management results. DGPU is available in three different performance options: Basic, standard, and advanced. By default any data management rule or health control is run on the Basic SKU. A customer can switch SKU’s based on the speed of compute suitable for their organization. Learn more.
For example, if a customer runs 100 Data Management rules and controls in a single day, and each run produces 0.02 DGPU with the Basic SKU, then the total DGPU for that day would equal two DGPU, costing the customer $30. See the table below for pricing for Data Health Management feature by SKU in US East pricing.
Feature | SKU | Pay-As-You-Go Price |
Data Health Management | Basic | $- per Data Governance Processing Unit |
Standard | $- per Data Governance Processing Unit | |
Advanced | $- per Data Governance Processing Unit |
Data Map (classic) – Formerly Azure Purview
Data Map (Classic) Population / 自動化的掃描、擷取與分類
資料對應母體為無伺服器,且會根據掃描 (包括中繼資料擷取與分類) 和擷取工作的持續時間加以計費。自動化掃描使用原生連接器同時觸發掃描與擷取工作。來自 Microsoft Purview 用戶端的推送型更新 (例如來自 Azure Data Factory 的譜系推送) 僅會觸發擷取工作。
Meter | 價格 |
Power BI 線上版 | 限時免費 |
內部部署 SQL Server | 限時免費 |
其他資料來源 | 每 1 個虛擬核心小時 $- |
請注意: 掃描和擷取工作並不包括使用 Apache Atlas 之實體的新增或修改,它們是根據要求附載驅動的 CU (以作業/秒為單位) 計費為資料對應使用量。
注意: Azure Purview 會在 Azure Purview 帳戶佈建的訂用帳戶內佈建儲存體帳戶,和 Azure 事件中樞帳戶以作為受控資源。在掃描期間此為支援增強式安全性功能所必要。這可能會產生個別的費用,在大多數情況下不會超過掃描費用的 2%。請參閱 Azure Purview Resource JSON 內 Azure 入口網站中的 [受控資源] 區段。
注意: 使用最新版本 Microsoft Purview 受控虛擬網路的客戶,除了掃描和擷取工作的費用外,在受控 VNet 整合執行階段將會以 1/8 的 vCore 小時收費。深入了解文件。
注意:使用 Azure Purview 在其他雲端 (例如 AWS、GCP) 中控管資料的客戶,可能會因為將中繼資料發佈至 Azure Purview 資料對應的相關資料傳輸和 API 呼叫,而產生額外的費用。此費用會依區域而有所不同。若要了解在 AWS 中掃描資料的費用,請查看 AWS 管理主控台內的計費與管理主控台檢視相關費用。
資料對應擴充 / 進階資源集合
Advanced Resource Set is a built-in feature of the Data Map used to optimize the storage and search of data assets associated with partitioned files in data lakes. Billing for processing the resource set data assets is serverless and based on the duration of the processing, which can vary based on the change in partitioned files and resource set profile configured.
Meter | 價格 |
進階資源集合 | 每 1 個虛擬核心小時 $- |
Note: By default, the advanced resource set processing is run every 12 hours for all the systems configured for scanning with resource set toggle enabled.
深入解析產生可將原始資料對應中的中繼資料和分類彙總為豐富型且準備好執行的報表,報表為可匯出可於 Data Estate Insights 應用程式中視覺化,且以商務易記格式的細微資產層級資訊。報表的視覺效果和匯出會從 Data Estate Insights 應用程序中的深入解析報表使用量中產生費用。
Meter | 價格 |
報表產生 | 每 1 個虛擬核心小時 $- |
注意: 根據預設,佈建時會啟用深入解析產生,且可在 Microsoft Purview 控管入口網站的管理中心中關閉。停用深入解析產生會停止重新整理 Data Estate Insights 應用程式中的報表。根據預設,深入解析產生會根據資料對應更新自動執行。
Data Map Consumption / Elastic data Map
根據預設,Microsoft Purview 帳戶會以至少 1 個容量單位的資料對應佈建。1 個容量單位支援每秒最多 25 個資料對應作業的要求,並包含資料資產的最多 10 GB 中繼資料儲存體。資料對應中繼資料儲存體前 1 MB 可免費供所有客戶使用。
資料對應需要每 10 GB 的中繼資料儲存體額外容量單位。例如,具有 10 GB 中繼資料儲存體的資料對應,每小時會以 1 容量單位計費。如果新增資料資產的大小增加至 10.1 GB,資料對應會以每小時 2 容量單位計費。
Meter | 價格 |
容量單位 | 每個容量單位每小時 $- |
Microsoft Purview 應用程式
Microsoft Purview Applications 是建置於資料對應中之一組可獨立採用,但高度整合的使用者體驗,包括資料目錄、Data Estate Insights 等等。資料取用者、生產者、資料管理員及管理者使用這些應用程式,確保企業可輕鬆探索、理解資料且資料為高品質,而所有資料的使用均符合公司和法規需求。
Microsoft Purview 應用程式 / Data Catalog (Classic)
資料目錄 (傳統) 是建基於資料對應的應用程式,可供商務使用者、資料工程師及管理員用於探索資料、識別譜系的關聯性及快速輕鬆地指派商務內容。
標示為隨附於資料對應的功能會計費為資料對應 CU 的使用量。
功能 | 價格 |
搜尋和瀏覽資料資產 | 包含在資料對應 (傳統) 中 |
商務詞彙 | 包含在資料對應 (傳統) 中 |
譜系視覺效果 | 包含在資料對應 (傳統) 中 |
自助式資料存取 | 預覽期間免費 |
功能 | 價格 |
商務工作流程 | 預覽期間免費 |
Microsoft Purview 應用程式 / Data Estate Insights (傳統)
Data Estate Insights (傳統) 是建置於資料對應 (傳統) 上的應用程式,資料管理者及管理員會使用它來了解其不同資料資產的資料資產健康情況與控管態勢,並推動校正的動作以縮短差異。Data Estate Insights (傳統) 提供透過深入解析產生而產生的豐富資料,且會依上述《資料對應擴充 – 深入解析產生》一節中指出的方法對其個別計費。
深入解析使用量會依每次 API 呼叫加以計費。一個 API 呼叫最多會傳回 10,000 列的表格式結果。
Meter | 價格 |
深入解析使用量 | 每 API 呼叫 $- |
Microsoft Purview 應用程式 / 資料原則
資料擁有者可以集中管理數千個 SQL Server 和資料湖,以讓效能監視者、安全性稽核者及資料使用者快速且輕鬆存取對應於資料對應中的資料資產。
功能 | 價格 |
DevOps 原則 | $0.003 原則小時 |
資料原則 (資料資產存取) | 預覽時無額外費用 |
功能 | 價格 |
Azure Blob 儲存體與 Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS Gen2) 儲存體帳戶的就地共用 | 預覽期間免費 |
Azure 定價與購買選項
Microsoft Purview
深入了解 Microsoft Purview 的功能。
預估您使用任何 Azure 產品組合的預期每月費用。
檢閱 Microsoft Purview 的服務等級協定。
檢閱技術教學課程、影片和更多 Microsoft Purview 資源。
You will only pay per vCore-hour of scanning that you consume as part of Data Map Population. Consumption is rounded up to the nearest minute. Scanning of Power BI and SQL Server assets are free currently for a limited time. There are no incremental charges for connectors to different data stores.
For a limited time, Microsoft Purview will have free scanning and classification for on-premises SQL Server that can be connected to Microsoft Purview through the scanning and classification run-time hosted on-premises. All other SQL Servers using the cloud run-time are not covered under this free scanning.
For a limited time, Microsoft Purview will have free scanning and classification for Power BI online tenants with administrative APIs enabled for use by Microsoft Purview. Power BI Premium on-premises is not supported at this time.
The Data Map is a map of data assets, associated metadata and lineage connecting data assets. A capacity unit is a provisioned set of resources to keep your Data Map up and running. One capacity unit can support approximately 25 operations per second and includes 10 GB of metadata storage. This capacity is used by user experiences in Microsoft Purview Studio or Apache Atlas APIs.
The Data Map stores the business and technical metadata and lineage associated with data assets in a searchable graph format. Each capacity unit of Data Map includes 10 GB of metadata storage. You can monitor metadata storage being used by a Microsoft Purview account in the Azure portal.
You get the first 1 MB of metadata storage free as part of your Microsoft Purview account. This helps you try the Data Map capabilities by enabling you to scan a small data source (with <1 MB metadata) and try out Microsoft Purview.
You can provision a Data Map with capacity unit count of 1 or above. Data Map metadata storage scales linearly in 10 GB increments per provisioned Capacity Unit. The capacity of the Data Map cannot be changed after provisioning. As a cost control measure, a Data Map is configured by default to elastically scale up within the elasticity window. Please refer to documentation here for more details on the elastic window.
Data Estate Insights are enabled by default with the Data Map to enable governance users to experience the rich and actionable insights on their data estate. With Data Estate Insights, you will see two line-items added to your bill. First, the Data Map Enrichment – Data Insights Generation, for processing governance metrics and tabularizing your Data Map for governance and business consumption. Second, the Data Insights Consumption, that are API calls made as you consume any of the reports from the Data Estate Insights application.
Data Estate Insights API calls serve aggregated and detailed data to users across asset, glossary, classification, sensitive labels, etc. 1 Insight API call includes up to 10,000 read operations as the users consume Insights from the main dashboard or the detail pages. Each read equates to a row of tabular data in the application.
Yes, you can still consume Insights that are already generated. Note that without Insights Generation, these insights will not be subsequently updated with changes in the Data Map.
Yes, you can turn off Data Estate Insights from Management Center, with a flip of a toggle switch, thus stopping any meter emission of report generation as well as report consumption.
Data Security Processing unit is the amount of compute required to process 10,000 log lines of data.
No. The pay-as-you-go meters are only for Data Security capabilities for non-M365 data sources. This does not imply any changes to the capabilities that customers are entitled to with their E3 and E5 licenses.
A governed asset can be any physical asset from any datamap in a federated system. A physical asset is any asset that is bound to the Purview DG concepts, like business domains, data products, critical data elements, and custom attributes.
Existing Microsoft Purview (classic) customers or IRM customers using the pay-as-you-go capabilities in free public preview, must consent to switch from their existing Azure billing model to the Microsoft Purview pay-as-you-go billing model.
Any account with access to the Microsoft Purview portal will see the consent dialog, but only accounts with one of these two roles can provide consent:
- Global Administrator
- Purview Administrator
To access the consent dialog, complete the following steps:
- Open the Microsoft Purview portal.
- If the user has the necessary roles to provide consent, a dialog appears that explains the change.
- Select "I consent" in the dialog to enable the pay-as-you-go model.
- A confirmation is displayed that you've successfully switched to the new business model.
If customers don't enable pay-as-you-go billing, they won't be able to use pay-as-you-go features until they consent to the pay-as-you-go model. Any protection currently applied to non-M365 data sources will be removed starting November 1, 2024.
Processing Units are units of measure representing a pool of compute power. Compute power is required to run all jobs or tasks in Microsoft Purview.
Processing Units are used when running capabilities in Microsoft Purview. Consumption is highly correlated to underlying compute effort needed for tasks performed.
Each capability and associated jobs or tasks have a unique consumption rate.
Data Map and Data Quality are separate scan engines as the metadata engine only samples the first 128 rows (or less if doing L1/L2 scans) whereas Data Quality scans all rows in a specific column. In the new cost model scanning will not have an associated cost so there is no concern that customers will pay twice.
The new model is intended to optimize operational costs, streamline the customer experience and provide more integrated approach to data security and compliance.
Customers currently using Microsoft Purview will have to opt into the new pricing model. Existing customers can opt into the new pricing model from Settings à Account in the Microsoft Purview Portal.
You can view additional FAQs for the new Microsoft Purview Data Catalog here.
與銷售專員洽談,取得 Azure 定價的逐步解說。了解您雲端解決方案的定價。
取得免費的雲端服務,以及可於 30 天內用來探索 Azure 的 $200 點數。