Latest advancements in Premium SSD v2 and Ultra Azure Managed Disks
We are excited to share the latest advancements in Premium SSD v2 and Ultra disks, the next generation of Azure disk storage.
We are excited to share the latest advancements in Premium SSD v2 and Ultra disks, the next generation of Azure disk storage.
2023 was an emblematic year of growth for storage and data services with AI at the top of mind for many customers. Azure customers’ overall data estate continued to grow, powered by the emergence of new workloads and access patterns.
Today, we are excited to announce the preview of Azure Container Storage, the industry’s first platform-managed container native storage service in the public cloud, providing end to end storage management and orchestration for stateful applications to run efficiently at scale on Azure.
Actualizado el 12 de octubre de 2022: Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage ya está disponible con carácter general. Para más información, consulte la entrada de blog Azure Premium SSD v2 Disk Storage: Disponibilidad general.
A medida que las organizaciones aceleran su adopción de la nube, la necesidad de una infraestructura confiable es fundamental para garantizar la continuidad empresarial y evitar costosas interrupciones.
Today, we are announcing the preview of disk pool enabling Azure Disk Storage as a persistent storage option for Azure VMware Solution. With this announcement, you can gain flexibility for your data needs with scalable and cost-effective cloud storage for VMware workloads running on Azure.
To address today’s challenges like ensuring business continuity and managing reduced cash flow, organizations are accelerating their migration to the cloud.
Las organizaciones están cambiando la forma en la que dirigen sus negocios y muchas quieren acelerar su migración a la nube para aprovechar las ventajas que esta ofrece, como un costo total de propiedad (TCO) más bajo y más flexibilidad y seguridad, sin sacrificar el
Virtual machine bursting, which is enabled by default, offers you the ability to achieve higher throughput for a short duration on your virtual machine instance with no additional steps or cost.
Hoy marca la disponibilidad general de los nuevos tamaños de disco de Azure, incluidos los de 4, 8 y 16 GiB en discos SSD estándar y Premium, así como la compatibilidad con la ampliación en discos SSD Premium de Azure.