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Omar Khan

Omar Khan

General Manager, Azure Product Marketing
Omar Khan is the General Manager for Azure Infrastructure marketing, helping customers and partners make the transition to the cloud. Omar is responsible for leading product marketing for Microsoft Azure Compute, Networking, & Storage; Microsoft Azure’s Global Platform; Microsoft Azure Hybrid and Edge, and Windows Server.

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Showing 11 – 17 of 17 posts found

Published • 4 min read

Cómo optimizar los costos de sus cargas de trabajo en Azure 

La administración de los costos de TI es fundamental en estos tiempos de incertidumbre económica. La pandemia mundial está desafiando a las organizaciones de todo el mundo a reinventar estrategias empresariales y a hacer que las operaciones sean más eficaces y productivas.

Designing your cloud strategy to maximize value on Azure 

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be challenging to adjust your business strategies to maintain productive operations and processes. You need new ways to increase efficiencies, optimize costs, and adopt new technologies at a faster rate. Your digital transformation is more critical than ever, in these trying times.

Habilitar a los clientes para lograr el éxito en Azure 

La nube se ha convertido de pronto en el centro de los esfuerzos de transformación digital más recientes, ya que permite crear rápidamente soluciones nuevas de un modo seguro y confiable, afrontar nuevos desafíos empresariales e impulsar la transformación con una innovación tecnológica constante.

Optimize your Azure costs to help meet your financial objectives 

We know that many of our customers are facing difficult decisions about how to meet their funding needs for critical IT projects. We’re here to help you meet your financial objectives to ensure your Azure workloads are cost optimized can help free up funds to support essential surge areas like remote work.

Published • 4 min read

Five habits of highly effective Azure users 

There’s a lot you can do with Azure. But whether you’re modernizing your IT environment, building next-generation apps, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, or deploying any of a million other solutions, there are foundational habits that can help you succeed.