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Mises à jour mensuelles pour Microsoft Cost Management: novembre 2023

20 nov.

Part numbers from EA invoice are now added to the cost and usage file.


All records in cost and usage file will now match the part numbers in an invoice for EA customers. This will allow leveraging the part number to match invoice and cost details data. Please note that when comparing charges, refunds for purchases done in past billing periods should be excluded.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
20 nov.

Part numbers from EA invoice are now added to the cost and usage file.


All records in cost and usage file will now match the part numbers in an invoice for EA customers. This will allow leveraging the part number to match invoice and cost details data. Please note that when comparing charges, refunds for purchases done in past billing periods should be excluded.

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Management
13 nov.

Export cost details using the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS)


Sign up for an early preview of Cost Management exports that provide cost data aligned to the open-source FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS).

  • Microsoft Cost Management
  • Open Source
  • Management
  • Features
  • Pricing & Offerings


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