Beta 3 adds support for the following Azure services and features
- Virtual machine scale sets
- Load balancers
- Parallel creation of virtual machines and other resources
- Virtual machine extensions
- Key vault and
- Batch
In July, we announced a developer preview of the new, simplified Azure management libraries for Java. Our goal is to improve the developer experience by providing a higher-level, object-oriented API, optimized for readability and writability. Thank you for trying the libraries and providing us with plenty of useful feedback.
Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set
You can create a virtual machine scale set instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
VirtualMachineScaleSet virtualMachineScaleSet = azure.virtualMachineScaleSets() .define(vmssName) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withExistingResourceGroup(rgName) .withSku(VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes.STANDARD_D3_V2) .withExistingPrimaryNetworkSubnet(network, "Front-end") .withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancer(loadBalancer) .withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerBackends(backendPoolName) .withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerInboundNatPools(natPool50XXto22) .withoutPrimaryInternalLoadBalancer() .withPopularLinuxImage(KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage.UBUNTU_SERVER_16_04_LTS) .withRootUserName(userName) .withSsh(sshKey) .withNewStorageAccount(storageAccountName1) .withNewStorageAccount(storageAccountName2) .withCapacity(2) .create();
Create a Network Load Balancer
You can create a network load balancer instance by using another define() … create() method chain.
LoadBalancerloadBalancer=azure.loadBalancers().define(loadBalancerName) .withRegion(Region.US_EAST) .withExistingResourceGroup(rgName) .definePublicFrontend(frontendName) .withExistingPublicIpAddress(publicIpAddress) .attach() // Add a backend pool for HTTP .defineBackend(backendPoolName) .attach() // Add a probe for HTTP .defineHttpProbe(httpProbe) .withRequestPath("/") .withPort(80) .attach() // Add a load balancing rule that uses the above backend and probe .defineLoadBalancingRule(httpLoadBalancingRule) .withProtocol(TransportProtocol.TCP) .withFrontend(frontendName) .withFrontendPort(80) .withProbe(httpProbe) .withBackend(backendPoolName) .attach() // Add a NAT pool to enable direct VM connectivity for // SSH to port 22 .defineInboundNatPool(natPool50XXto22) .withProtocol(TransportProtocol.TCP) .withFrontend(frontendName) .withFrontendPortRange(5000,5099) .withBackendPort(22) .attach() .create();
Sample Code
You can find plenty of sample code that illustrates management scenarios in Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Storage, Networking, Resource Manager, Key Vault and Batch …
Service | Management |
Virtual Machines |
Virtual Machines – parallel execution |
Virtual Machine Scale Sets |
Storage |
Network |
Resource Groups |
Key Vault |
Batch |
Give it a try
You can run the samples above or go straight to our GitHub repo. Give it a try and let us know what do you think (via e-mail or comments below), particularly –
- Usability and effectiveness of the new management libraries for Java?
- What Azure services you would like to see supported soon?
- What additional scenarios should be illustrated as sample code?
The next preview version of the Azure Management Libraries for Java is a work in-progress. We will be adding support for more Azure services and tweaking the API over the next few months.
You can find plenty of additional info about Java on Azure at