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Microsoft Purview delivers data security, data governance, and data compliance solutions. The product pricing details in the Data Security and Data Governance tabs below reflect updated pricing details for the new Microsoft Purview data governance product. Learn more about the new Microsoft Purview data governance product. The product pricing in the Data Map (Classic) tab reflects the previous Azure Purview Service pricing details.
Se prismuligheder
Nogle Microsoft Purview-funktioner tilbydes som abonnementsbaserede licenser, få mere at vide. Priserne på denne side repræsenterer forbrugsbaserede funktioner i Microsoft Purview. Bemærk, at Data Map-funktioner (klassiske) bruges via den tidligere Azure Purview-oplevelse.
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Priserne er kun estimater og er ikke beregnet som faktiske pristilbud. De faktiske priser kan variere afhængigt af den type aftale, der er indgået med Microsoft, købsdatoen og valutakursen. Priserne beregnes ud fra den amerikanske dollar og konverteres ved hjælp af London børsens slutkurs, der registreres i løbet af de to hverdage før den sidste hverdag i den forrige måned. Hvis de to hverdage før månedens slutning falder på en banklukkedag på større markeder, angives kursen umiddelbart dagen før de to hverdage. Denne kurs gælder for alle transaktioner i løbet af den kommende måned. Log på Azure-prisberegneren for at se priser baseret på dit aktuelle program/tilbud med Microsoft. Kontakt en Azure-salgsspecialist for at få flere oplysninger om priser eller for at anmode om et pristilbud. Se ofte stillede spørgsmål om Azure-priser.
Amerikanske myndigheder kan købe Azure Government-tjenester hos en licensudbyder uden økonomisk forpligtelse eller direkte via et Betalt efter forbrug-onlineabonnement.
Vigtigt – Prisen i R$ er kun vejledende. Det er en international transaktion, og den endelige pris kan ændres, afhængigt af valutakurser og inkludering af IOF-afgifter. Der udstedes ikke en eNF.
Amerikanske myndigheder kan købe Azure Government-tjenester hos en licensudbyder uden økonomisk forpligtelse eller direkte via et Betalt efter forbrug-onlineabonnement.
Vigtigt – Prisen i R$ er kun vejledende. Det er en international transaktion, og den endelige pris kan ændres, afhængigt af valutakurser og inkludering af IOF-afgifter. Der udstedes ikke en eNF.
Data Security | Information Protection And Data Loss Prevention
Microsoft Purview Information Protection and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) are billed based upon the number of assets protected, such as tables, files, or resource sets. Assets are identified and classified based upon their sensitivity and level of protection required. This classification can be done manually by end users or automatically using auto-labeling policies within Microsoft Purview. In addition, DLP or protection policies can then be applied to these assets to control how they are handled, shared, and protected. These policies can enforce actions like access control, auditing, and end user notifications for the monitoring of this sensitive information. Billing is calculated based upon the number of assets that are auto-labeled and protected under these policies.
Feature | SKU | Pris |
Microsoft Information Protection and Data Loss Prevention | Standard |
$- pr. aktiv pr. dag
or ~$- pr. måned |
Data Security | Insider Risk Management
Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management is billed based on the data security processing unit (DSPU). Insider Risk Management processes activities corresponding to the indicators selected in the policies to generate insights, alerts and cases. Billing is calculated based on the number of processing units required for the indicators and users selected in the policies. A DSPU is defined as the compute required to process 10,000 user activity logs.
Feature | SKU | Pris |
Insider Risk Management | Standard | $- pr. behandlingsenhed for datasikkerhed |
Microsoft Purview Data Governance | Enterprise Data Catalog
Microsoft Purview Data Governance Enterprise Catalog is billed based on a single meter, data catalog, that is initiated when customers govern unique data assets. Data assets such as tables, views, AI models, semantic models, and many others that are linked to governance concepts in the product, such as data products and critical data elements, are counted as governed assets. Assets that are collected in the Purview Data Map, but not linked to the governance concepts aren't counted as governed assets.
For example, if an organization has 500 tables, views, stored procedures, resource sets, and AI models in their data map, while only 200 unique governed assets in the data catalog, the monthly cost, for 30-days, would be $100 (without discounts). The 300 assets that aren't linked to the data products or critical data elements aren't considered governed assets and therefore not counted. Data catalog managed assets are priced uniformly across regions. This pay-as-you-go model for a managed asset is prorated based on days governed within the monthly billing cycle.
Feature | SKU | Pay-As-You-Go Price |
Data Catalog | Standard |
$- pr. aktiv pr. dag
or ~$- pr. måned |
Microsoft Purview Data Governance | Enterprise Data Management
Data management usage is billed based on the Data Governance Processing Unit (DGPU) pay-as-you-go meters. A DGPU (1 DGPU) is the equivalent to 60 minutes of fully-managed compute time, taken to produce data management results. DGPU is available in three different performance options: Basic, standard, and advanced. By default any data management rule or health control is run on the Basic SKU. A customer can switch SKU’s based on the speed of compute suitable for their organization. Learn more.
For example, if a customer runs 100 Data Management rules and controls in a single day, and each run produces 0.02 DGPU with the Basic SKU, then the total DGPU for that day would equal two DGPU, costing the customer $30. See the table below for pricing for Data Health Management feature by SKU in US East pricing.
Feature | SKU | Pay-As-You-Go Price |
Data Health Management | Basic | $- pr. behandlingsenhed til datastyring |
Standard | $- pr. behandlingsenhed til datastyring | |
Advanced | $- pr. behandlingsenhed til datastyring |
Data Map (classic) – Formerly Azure Purview
Data Map (Classic) Population / Automatiseret scanning, dataindtagelse og klassificering
Data Map udfyldelse er serveruafhængig og faktureret baseret på varigheden af scanninger (omfatter udtrækning og klassificering af metadata) og job til dataindtagelse. Automatiserede scanninger ved hjælp af oprindelige forbindelser udløser både scannings- og job til dataindtagelse. Push-baserede opdateringer fra en Microsoft Purview-klient (f.eks. dataafstamnings udrulning fra Azure Data Factory) udløser kun job til dataindtagelse.
Varigheden af disse job kan variere afhængigt af antallet af scannede systemer eller udrulninger af opdateringer, de dataaktiver, der er indeholdt i de scannede systemer, antallet af valgte klassifikationer, dataenes form og det scannede systems ydeevne.
Meter | Pris |
Til Power BI online | Gratis i en begrænset periode |
Til SQL Server i det lokale miljø | Gratis i en begrænset periode |
Til andre datakilder | $- pr. 1 vCore-time |
Bemærk: Scannings- og job til dataindtagelse omfatter ikke tilføjelse eller ændringer af enheder, der bruger Apache Atlas, som i stedet faktureres som Data Map Consumption baseret på de kapacitetsenheder, der styres af anmodningsbelastningen, hvad angår handlinger/sekund.
Bemærk: Microsoft Purview klargør en lagerkonto og en Azure Event Hubs-konto som administrerede ressourcer i det abonnement, som Microsoft Purview-kontoen er klargjort i. Dette er påkrævet for at understøtte forbedrede sikkerhedsfunktioner under scanning. Dette kan medføre separate gebyrer, der i de fleste tilfælde ikke vil overstige 2 % af gebyrerne for scanning. Se afsnittet Administrerede ressourcer i Azure-portalen i Azure Purview Resource JSON.
Bemærk! Kunder, der bruger den nyeste version af Microsoft Purview Managed Virtual Network, opkræves pr. 1/8 vCore-time for kørselstiden for det administrerede VNet-Integration Runtime ud over gebyrerne for scannings- og indtagelsesjob. Få mere at vide fra dokumentationen.
Bemærk! Kunder, der bruger Microsoft Purview til at styre data i andre cloudmiljøer (f.eks. AWS, GCP), skal muligvis betale yderligere gebyrer på grund af dataoverførsler og API-kald, der er knyttet til publicering af metadata i Microsoft Purview Data Map. Gebyret varierer efter område. Se fakturerings- og administrationskonsollen i AWS Management Console for at få vist opkrævningerne i forbindelse med scanning af data i AWS.
Data Map forbedring / Avanceret ressourcesæt
Advanced Resource Set is a built-in feature of the Data Map used to optimize the storage and search of data assets associated with partitioned files in data lakes. Billing for processing the resource set data assets is serverless and based on the duration of the processing, which can vary based on the change in partitioned files and resource set profile configured.
Meter | Pris |
Avanceret ressourcesæt | $- pr. 1 vCore-time |
Note: By default, the advanced resource set processing is run every 12 hours for all the systems configured for scanning with resource set toggle enabled.
Insights Generation
Insights Generation samler metadata og klassificeringer i det rå Data Map i forbedrede, overordnede rapporter, der kan visualiseres i programmet Data Estate Insights og detaljerede oplysninger om aktivniveau i virksomhedsvenligt format, der kan eksporteres. Rapportér visualisering og eksport medfører gebyrer fra Insights Report Consumption i Data Estate Insights-programmet.
Meter | Pris |
Rapportgenerering | $- pr. 1 vCore-time |
Bemærk: Insights Generation er som standard aktiveret ved klargøring og kan slås fra i Management Center i Microsoft Purview styringsportalen. Hvis du deaktiverer Insights Generation, stopper du opdateringen af rapporter i programmet Data Estate Insights. Som standard kører Insights Generation automatisk baseret på opdateringer af Data Map.
Data Map Consumption / Elastic data Map
By default, a Microsoft Purview account is provisioned with a Data Map of at least 1 Capacity Unit. 1 Capacity Unit supports requests of up to 25 data map operations per second and includes storage of up to 10 GB of metadata about data assets. The first 1 MB of Data Map meta data storage is free for all customers.
Data Map kan skalere kapaciteten elastisk baseret på anmodningsbelastningen. Anmodningsbelastning måles i form af Data Map-handlinger pr. sekund. Som et kontrolmål for omkostning er et Data Map som standard konfigureret til at skalere elastisk inden for det elastiske vindue.
En Data Map-handling er en oprettelse, læsning, opdatering eller sletning af en enhed i Data Map. Eksempler på en enhed omfatter et dataaktiv eller et afstamningsforhold mellem to dataaktiver. En søgeanmodning kan kræve flere handlinger afhængigt af de returnerede aktiver og kompleksiteten af anmodningen. Lagerstørrelsen for en enhed kan variere afhængigt af typen af enhed og annoteringer, der er knyttet til enheden.
Data Map kræver en ekstra kapacitetsenhed for hver 10 GB krævet metadatalager. For eksempel faktureres et Data Map med 10 GB metadatalager med 1 kapacitetsenhed i timen. Hvis tilføjelsen af nye dataaktiver øger størrelsen til 10,1 GB, faktureres datakortet med 2 Kapacitetsenheder i timen.
Meter | Pris |
Kapacitetsenhed | $- pr. kapacitetsenhed pr. time |
Microsoft Purview Applications
Microsoft Purview Applications er et sæt uafhængigt anvendelige, men meget integrerede brugeroplevelser, der er bygget på Data Map, herunder Data Catalog, Data Estate Insights og meget mere. Disse programmer bruges af dataforbrugere, -producenter, -forvaltere og -ansvarlige, som gør det muligt for virksomheder at sikre, at data er let at finde, forstået og af høj kvalitet, og at al brug er i overensstemmelse med virksomhedens og lovbestemte krav.
Microsoft Purview Applications / Data Catalog (Classic)
Data Catalog (klassisk) er et program, der er bygget på Data Map, til forretningsbrugere, datateknikere og dataforvaltere til at søge efter data, identificere datarelationer samt tildele forretningskontekst både hurtigt og nemt.
Funktioner, der er markeret som Inkluderet med datakort, faktureres som forbruget af Data Map-kapacitetsenhed.
Funktioner | Pris |
Søg og gennemse dataressourcer | Inkluderet i Data Map (klassisk) |
Erhvervsordbøger | Inkluderet i Data Map (klassisk) |
Visualisering af afstamning | Inkluderet i Data Map (klassisk) |
Dataadgang via selvbetjening | Gratis som prøveversion |
Dataejere og dataforvaltere kan automatisere almindeligt anvendte gentagne opgaver i forbindelse med forretningsprocesser som f.eks. kuratering af ordliste og godkendelsessporing ved hjælp af styring af arbejdsprocesser.
Funktioner | Pris |
Forretningsarbejdsprocesser | Gratis som prøveversion |
Microsoft Purview Applications / Data Estate Insights (klassisk)
Data Estate Insights (klassisk) er et program, der er bygget på Data Map (klassisk) til brug af dataansvarlige og -forvaltere til at forstå data ejendomstilstanden og styringstilstanden for deres forskellige data ejendom og skabe korrigerende handlinger for at lukke huller. Data Estate Insights (klassisk) serverer forbedrede data, der er genereret via Insights Generation, som opkræves separat som angivet ovenfor i sektionen Data Map Enrichment - Insights Generation.
Indsigtsforbrug faktureres pr. API-kald. Et API-kald returnerer op til 10.000 rækker med tabelresultat.
Meter | Pris |
Insights-forbrug | $- pr. API-kald |
Microsoft Purview Applications / Datapolitik
Dataejere kan administrere tusindvis af SQL Servers og datasøer centralt for at give hurtig og nem adgang til dataaktiver, der er tilknyttet i Data Map til overvågning af ydeevne, sikkerhedsrevisorer og databrugere.
Funktioner | Pris |
DevOps-politikker | $0.003 politiktime |
Datapolitikker (adgang til dataaktiver) | Der opkræves ikke ekstra betaling i prøveperioden |
Datadeling på stedet giver brugerne mulighed for nemt at dele data både i og mellem organisationer, hvilket giver adgang til data næsten i realtid uden duplikering.
Funktioner | Pris |
Deling på stedet for Azure Blob Storage- og Azure Data Lake Storage-lagerkonti (ADLS Gen2) | Gratis som prøveversion |
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Ofte stillede spørgsmål
You will only pay per vCore-hour of scanning that you consume as part of Data Map Population. Consumption is rounded up to the nearest minute. Scanning of Power BI and SQL Server assets are free currently for a limited time. There are no incremental charges for connectors to different data stores.
For a limited time, Microsoft Purview will have free scanning and classification for on-premises SQL Server that can be connected to Microsoft Purview through the scanning and classification run-time hosted on-premises. All other SQL Servers using the cloud run-time are not covered under this free scanning.
For a limited time, Microsoft Purview will have free scanning and classification for Power BI online tenants with administrative APIs enabled for use by Microsoft Purview. Power BI Premium on-premises is not supported at this time.
The Data Map is a map of data assets, associated metadata and lineage connecting data assets. A capacity unit is a provisioned set of resources to keep your Data Map up and running. One capacity unit can support approximately 25 operations per second and includes 10 GB of metadata storage. This capacity is used by user experiences in Microsoft Purview Studio or Apache Atlas APIs.
The Data Map stores the business and technical metadata and lineage associated with data assets in a searchable graph format. Each capacity unit of Data Map includes 10 GB of metadata storage. You can monitor metadata storage being used by a Microsoft Purview account in the Azure portal.
You get the first 1 MB of metadata storage free as part of your Microsoft Purview account. This helps you try the Data Map capabilities by enabling you to scan a small data source (with <1 MB metadata) and try out Microsoft Purview.
You can provision a Data Map with capacity unit count of 1 or above. Data Map metadata storage scales linearly in 10 GB increments per provisioned Capacity Unit. The capacity of the Data Map cannot be changed after provisioning. As a cost control measure, a Data Map is configured by default to elastically scale up within the elasticity window. Please refer to documentation here for more details on the elastic window.
Data Estate Insights are enabled by default with the Data Map to enable governance users to experience the rich and actionable insights on their data estate. With Data Estate Insights, you will see two line-items added to your bill. First, the Data Map Enrichment – Data Insights Generation, for processing governance metrics and tabularizing your Data Map for governance and business consumption. Second, the Data Insights Consumption, that are API calls made as you consume any of the reports from the Data Estate Insights application.
Data Estate Insights API calls serve aggregated and detailed data to users across asset, glossary, classification, sensitive labels, etc. 1 Insight API call includes up to 10,000 read operations as the users consume Insights from the main dashboard or the detail pages. Each read equates to a row of tabular data in the application.
Yes, you can still consume Insights that are already generated. Note that without Insights Generation, these insights will not be subsequently updated with changes in the Data Map.
Yes, you can turn off Data Estate Insights from Management Center, with a flip of a toggle switch, thus stopping any meter emission of report generation as well as report consumption.
Data Security Processing unit is the amount of compute required to process 10,000 log lines of data.
No. The pay-as-you-go meters are only for Data Security capabilities for non-M365 data sources. This does not imply any changes to the capabilities that customers are entitled to with their E3 and E5 licenses.
A governed asset can be any physical asset from any datamap in a federated system. A physical asset is any asset that is bound to the Purview DG concepts, like business domains, data products, critical data elements, and custom attributes.
Existing Microsoft Purview (classic) customers or IRM customers using the pay-as-you-go capabilities in free public preview, must consent to switch from their existing Azure billing model to the Microsoft Purview pay-as-you-go billing model.
Any account with access to the Microsoft Purview portal will see the consent dialog, but only accounts with one of these two roles can provide consent:
- Global Administrator
- Purview Administrator
To access the consent dialog, complete the following steps:
- Open the Microsoft Purview portal.
- If the user has the necessary roles to provide consent, a dialog appears that explains the change.
- Select "I consent" in the dialog to enable the pay-as-you-go model.
- A confirmation is displayed that you've successfully switched to the new business model.
If customers don't enable pay-as-you-go billing, they won't be able to use pay-as-you-go features until they consent to the pay-as-you-go model. Any protection currently applied to non-M365 data sources will be removed starting November 1, 2024.
Processing Units are units of measure representing a pool of compute power. Compute power is required to run all jobs or tasks in Microsoft Purview.
Processing Units are used when running capabilities in Microsoft Purview. Consumption is highly correlated to underlying compute effort needed for tasks performed.
Each capability and associated jobs or tasks have a unique consumption rate.
Data Map and Data Quality are separate scan engines as the metadata engine only samples the first 128 rows (or less if doing L1/L2 scans) whereas Data Quality scans all rows in a specific column. In the new cost model scanning will not have an associated cost so there is no concern that customers will pay twice.
The new model is intended to optimize operational costs, streamline the customer experience and provide more integrated approach to data security and compliance.
Customers currently using Microsoft Purview will have to opt into the new pricing model. Existing customers can opt into the new pricing model from Settings à Account in the Microsoft Purview Portal.
You can view additional FAQs for the new Microsoft Purview Data Catalog here.
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