Azure Data Explorer Kafka Connector - Improved delivery guarantees, schema registry support, and Confluent certification
Published date: September 08, 2020
Azure Data Explorer's open source Kafka Connect Kusto sink connector has been enhanced from version 1.0 to include support for schema registry, configurable behavior on error, configurable retries, support for additional Kafka Connect converters, dead letter queue and improved reliability with "At least Once" delivery guarantees. The connector has passed stringent review for quality, best practices, standards and performance by Confluent, is now Confluent gold certified, and available in the Confluent Connector Hub.
For more information:
- About the connector & features, visit our git repo
- To test drive the connector, try out our hands on labs
- For reference architecture, review our Azure Data Explorer centric big data analytics pattern at the Azure architecture center
- For support with connector, log an issue
- Download the latest release
- Try our Docker based self-contained quick start
- Read the release notes blog post