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Priser på Azure Local

Azure Local pricing overview

Azure Local is a distributed infrastructure solution to run virtual machines, containers and selected Azure services. It extends Azure to customer-owned infrastructure and simplifies operations with cloud-management. Azure Local is priced on a per core basis on your on-premises machines.

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Prisene er bare estimater, og er ikke ment som faktiske pristilbud. De faktiske prisene kan variere avhengig av avtaletypen, som er angitt med Microsoft, kjøpsdatoen og valutakursen. Prisene beregnes basert på amerikanske dollar, og konverteres ved hjelp av London-spotkurser registrert to virkedager før den siste virkedagen i utgangen av forrige måned. Hvis de to virkedagene før slutten av måneden faller på en helligdag i de største markedene, er prissettingsdagen vanligvis dagen umiddelbart før de to virkedagene. Denne satsen gjelder for alle transaksjoner i løpet av den kommende måneden. Logg på priskalkulatoren for Azure for å se priser basert på gjeldende program/tilbud med Microsoft. Kontakt en Azure-salgsspesialist for mer informasjon om priser, eller for å be om et pristilbud. Se vanlige spørsmål om Azure-priser.

Azure Local is priced on a per physical core basis on your on-premises machines. Or if you are a Windows Server Datacenter customer with active Software Assurance, you may also choose to exchange core licenses to activate Azure Hybrid Benefit, which waives the Azure Local host service fee and Windows Server subscription. Learn more.

Host service fee

Forekomst Tidsaspekt Forbruksbasert pris Pris med Azure Hybrid Benefits
Azure Local Månedlig tjenesteavgift $- / fysisk kjerne / måned $- / fysisk kjerne / måned

Azure Local offers a free trial for the first 60 days after registration. You will be charged the monthly service fee after your first 60 days using the service.

Arbeidsbelastninger for tillegg (valgfritt)

Forekomst Tidsaspekt Forbruksbasert pris Pris med Azure Hybrid Benefits
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) enabled by Azure Arc Included with Azure Local, 2402 release and later Included with Azure Local, 2402 release and later
Windows Server-abonnement (for gjester) Månedlig tjenesteavgift $23.3 / fysisk kjerne / måned $0 / fysisk kjerne / måned

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) enabled by Azure Arc is available at no extra charge when you use it on Azure Local with 2402 release and later (effective January 2025).

Windows Server subscription offers a free trial within the first 60 days of registering your Azure Local. You will be charged the monthly service fee after your first 60 days of using Azure Local.

Windows Server-abonnementet gir deg ubegrensede gjestelisensrettigheter for Windows Server via Azure. Mer informasjon.

The above pricing for Azure Local is for the connected operations with cloud management. For the disconnected operations with a locally hosted fully disconnected control plane, please contact your account representative for pricing.

How to buy Azure Local

There are two options to buy Azure Local software. Please note that an Azure subscription is required to complete the full set-up on your hardware.

Option 1: Buy a validated hardware solution from one of our partners with Azure Local software pre-installed. Browse solutions.

Option 2: Install Azure Local software with free 60-day trial built-in on new or repurposed hardware (must match capability of a solution in Azure Local catalog). Download software.

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Azure Local

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  • You will be billed for all the physical processor cores on your system on a daily basis as long as your system is registered with the Azure Local service. When cores are counted, multi-threading is not included in the count. For example, if you have an 8 cores system that is registered October 1 – October 15, you will be billed for 8 cores * 15 days.
  • Azure Stack HCI is now part of Azure Local. The same features and functionality familiar to Azure Stack HCI customers continue to be offered for Azure Local. There is no pricing change for existing customers.
  • For Windows og betalte versjoner av Linux blir gjester lisensiert separat.
  • You may either use Azure Hybrid Benefit or purchase Windows Server subscription. Compare Options.
  • No, the subscription is for the host software only. If you want to run Azure Local on new hardware, please visit Azure Local catalog and contact your preferred vendor on that site.

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Få gratis skytjenester og $200 i kredit til å utforske Azure i 30 dager.

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