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Mises à jour mensuelles pour Azure Surveillance: janvier 2024

31 janv.

Announcing General Availability of Azure Monitor Metrics Data Plane API


General Availability of Azure Monitor Metrics Data plane API We are excited to share Azure Monitor Metrics Data Plane API is Now Generally Available! Unlock enhanced insights into the monitoring of your Azure resources with our powerful API. Explore its features and elevate your monitoring experience today!

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Mesures
  • Traitement par lots
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
29 janv.

Azure Red Hat OpenShift January 2024 updates


Disponibilité cible : Q1 2024

Azure Red Hat OpenShift now offers Resource Health for clusters with integration with Azure Monitor via Signals and Alerts.

  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift
  • Azure Surveillance
  • Features
24 janv.

New Features for graph-match KQL Operator: Enhanced Pattern Matching and Cycle Control


Disponibilité cible : Q1 2024

The graph-match operator in Kusto Query Language (KQL) allows you to query your data as a graph and find matches for a specified pattern. The latest update introduces two new features: the cycles parameter and the nonlinear patterns. These features enable you to control how cycles are matched and express more complex and flexible patterns in your graph queries.

  • Explorateur de données Azure
  • Azure Surveillance
  • Features
23 janv.

General availability: Azure Data Explorer adds new geospatial capabilities


Kusto now has three new geospatial functions: geo_polygon_to_h3cells(), geo_angle() and geo_azimuth(). These functions are designed to help you better understand and analyze your geospatial data.

  • Explorateur de données Azure
  • Azure Surveillance
  • Features
23 janv.

Generally Available: Azure Monitor VM Insights Dependency Agent support for RHEL 8.6 Linux VMs


Azure Monitor VM Insights now supports Dependency Agent for RHEL 8.6 Linux VMs, enabling you to monitor their network connections and processes in the Azure portal.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Services
  • Features


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