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Mises à jour mensuelles pour octobre 2020

21 oct.

Microsoft plans to establish new cloud datacenter region in Austria


The new region is anticipated to include Microsoft Azure, with Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform to follow.

  • Regions & Datacenters
21 oct.

Azure Policy for Key Vault now supports keys, secrets, and certificates


Get a deeper view into your organization's security posture, configure daily automated audits, and start enforcing best practices in under 5 minutes.

  • Coffre de clés
  • Politique Azure
  • Centre de sécurité
  • Compliance
  • Security
  • Features
21 oct.

Azure Blob storage lifecycle management now supports blob versions management


You can now use Azure Blob storage lifecycle management to automatically transition old blob versions to a cooler storage tier (hot to cool, hot to archive, or cool to archive) or delete old blob versions to optimize for cost.

  • Niveaux de stockage d’objets blob chaud/froid/froid
  • Stockage Blob Azure
  • Stockage archive
  • Comptes de stockage
  • Features
20 oct.

Azure Cognitive Services Translator — Canadian French language text translation now available


Use Translator to add Canadian French translation to your apps, products, and workflows.

  • Services cognitifs
  • Features
19 oct.

Fluent Bit connector for Azure Storage to support Azure Data Explorer streaming


In collaboration with Fluent Bit, we are releasing a new output plugin for Azure Blob Storage. The connector can output both block blobs and append blobs to an Azure storage account.

  • Explorateur de données Azure
  • Stockage Blob Azure
  • Open Source
19 oct.

Azure role-based access control (RBAC) for Azure Key Vault data plane authorization is now in preview


Achieve unified management and access control across Azure resources, Azure Key Vault and keys, certificates, and secrets.

  • Features
19 oct.

Azure Key Vault Event Grid integration is now available


Azure Key Vault is now an events publisher with Azure Event Grid, enabling developers to subscribe to events about keys, certificates, and secrets changes.

  • Coffre de clés
  • Event Grid
  • Security
  • Features
16 oct.

Generally available: Azure HPC – CycleCloud 8.1.0

Check the list of improvements and resolved issues include in this release.

  • Features
16 oct.

Windows Virtual Desktop is now generally available in the Azure Government cloud


Simplify and secure your virtualization infrastructure, in the cloud, with Windows Virtual Desktop.

  • Bureau virtuel Windows
  • Features
14 oct.

Azure Sphere update 20.10 is now available for compatibility testing


The Azure Sphere OS update 20.10 is now available for evaluation via the Retail Eval feed. The 20.10 evaluation release includes an OS update as well as a special evaluation version of the SDK for use during this period.

  • Azure Sphere
  • SDK and Tools
  • Operating System
14 oct.

Azure Monitor Log Analytics data export is in public preview


You can now enable continuous data export from your Log Analytics workspaces to an Azure Storage Account or Azure Event Hubs.

  • Azure Surveillance
  • Features
14 oct.

App Service Private Endpoints now generally available


Secure your line of business applications with Private Endpoints

  • App Service
  • Features
14 oct.

Azure DevTest Labs now available in more regions


Explore Azure DevTest Labs in UAE North, Germany West Central and Norway East regions.

  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Pricing & Offerings
14 oct.

Azure DevTest Labs - Create a network isolated lab


Isolate environments from unwanted traffic with Azure DevTest Labs.

  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Features
14 oct.

Azure Cognitive Services has achieved human parity in image captioning


Computer Vision, part of Azure Cognitive Services, now offers an updated image captioning capability that has achieved human parity based on the Novel Object Captioning at Scale (NOCAPS) benchmark.

  • Services cognitifs
  • Services
14 oct.

T-digest extension for Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Hyperscale (Citus)


Now in general availability, the algorithm used in the open source t-digest extension allows high performance percentile calculations on sizable distributed analytical workloads with improved accuracy.

  • Base de données Azure pour PostgreSQL
  • Open Source
  • Features
14 oct.

SQL Server on Virtual Machines: Machine Learning with Microsoft R Open 4.0.2 now available


The latest update for Microsoft R Open 4.0.2 (downloadable for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms) includes improvement to the performance of the merge function and adds an option to better handle zero-length arguments to the paste and paste0 functions.

  • SQL Server sur Machines virtuelles Azure
  • Open Source
  • Management
  • Features
14 oct.

Distributed database transactions spanning multiple Azure SQL Managed Instances


Utilize distributed transactions (now in preview) and save time when migrating existing applications that require this capability as it eliminates the need to change application code and to perform extensive testing.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
14 oct.

Machine Learning open sourcing for R and Python Custom Runtime


Announcing a general availability release that solves one of our customers’ pain points; the ability to bring a newer version of R and Python they may be using in their own companies.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Open Source
  • Features
14 oct.

Zone Redundancy in preview for Azure Cache for Redis


Increase reliability in the Azure Cache for Redis premium tier even further with up to four nodes for redundancy; a primary and three replicas that can be distributed across multiple availability zones. This setup protects you against a datacenter-level outage, increasing availability up to a 99.95 percent level.

  • Cache Azure pour Redis
  • Security
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Features


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