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Azure Serial Console updated with VMSS support and improved language support

Published date: 06 May, 2019

The Azure Serial Console is an invaluable tool in troubleshooting scenarios where you may be unable to connect to your VM. In addition to VMs, you can now use the Serial Console to troubleshoot and diagnose connectivity issues with your Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) instances. To use Serial Console on a VMSS instance, enable boot diagnostics on the VMSS model and ensure that your instances have been upgraded to the latest model. Use Serial Console just as you would with a VM to troubleshoot and diagnose connectivity issues.

In addition, improved language support means that you can now troubleshoot your VMs and VMSS instances in a variety of languages.

Try out Serial Console today in the portal with a VM or VMSS!

More information is available at our documentation pages:

Serial Console for Linux

Serial Console for Windows

  • Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Linux Virtual Machines
  • Windows Virtual Machines
  • Open Source