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Monthly updates for December 2018

Dec 26

Azure Kubernetes Service December Update


Azure Kubernetes Service made a series of updates and improvements over the past few weeks.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Services
Dec 26

Log Analytics solutions and views will soon drill in to the new Logs UX


Three months ago, we announced the new Azure Monitor Logs UX. Starting in early January, solutions and views will open the new Logs UX instead, offering an improved query editor and a full schema view.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Log Analytics
  • Services
  • Features
Dec 20

Azure API Management update December 20


Learn about the latest regular update to Azure API Management.

  • API Management
  • Features
Dec 20

Migrating to the Az.ApiManagement PowerShell module


Azure API Management is migrating to the new Az.ApiManagement PowerShell module.

  • API Management
  • SDK and Tools
Dec 19

Azure Log Analytics is available in West US 2

Azure Log Analytics is now available and can be built in West US 2.

  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Services
Dec 19

Azure Monitor for Containers agent updates


Updates to the Azure Monitor for Containers agent include the auto-upgrade feature, along with enhancements and bug fixes.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Azure Monitor
  • Services
  • Features
Dec 19

Azure IoT Edge 1.0.5 release


The 1.0.5 update of Azure IoT Edge enables a better experience on devices with slow connections, provides improved error messages, and moves Windows to RS5.

  • Features
Dec 19

Cognitive Services Speech Services neural text-to-speech capability is in preview


Cognitive Services Speech Services now offers a neural text-to-speech capability in preview. Use this capability to deploy voices to apps that are nearly indistinguishable from the human voice.

  • Azure AI services
  • Text to speech
  • Services
Dec 19

Azure Service Bus and Azure Event Hubs Virtual Networks and Firewall rules are now generally available


Virtual Networks and Firewall rules for both Azure Event Hubs and Azure Service Bus are now generally available.

  • Service Bus
  • Event Hubs
  • Services
Dec 19

Power BI service December update


Power BI dataflows and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 integration is in preview

  • Services
  • Features
Dec 19

Power BI Desktop December Update


December is a huge month in terms of accessibility

  • Services
  • Features
Dec 19

Dev/test pricing for Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is now available


Dev/test pricing is now available for SQL Database Managed Instance as part of the Azure Enterprise dev/test offer, providing a cost-effective way to run your development and testing workloads on Azure SQL Database.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Pricing & Offerings
Dec 19

Support for SQL to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance online migrations


Users can now migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance with minimal downtime by using generally available functionality in the Azure Database Migration Service.

  • Azure Database Migration Service (classic)
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Services
  • SDK and Tools
Dec 19

Azure Cosmos DB emulator support for Cassandra API


Now generally available, Azure Cosmos DB now provides support for its Cassandra API, in addition to support for SQL and MongoDB APIs.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Services
Dec 19

Premium tier now available for the Azure Database Migration Service


Azure Database Migration Service, the fully managed service designed for both operational database and data warehouse migrations, now supports offline and online migrations using the premium tier.

  • Azure Database Migration Service (classic)
  • Services
  • Pricing & Offerings
Dec 19

SQL Data Warehouse integration with Informatica iPaaS on Azure


Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) on Azure is now generally available

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Services
Dec 19

Retirement of Media Hyperlapse (in preview) on March 29, 2019

Target availability: Q1 2019

Starting December 19, 2018, we will no longer make changes or improvements to the Media Hyperlapse feature of Azure Media Services.

  • Media Services
  • Services
Dec 18

Power BI Embedded new workspace experience creation API


Use the Power BI REST API to create new Power BI Embedded workspace experience automatically.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
Dec 18

Power BI Embedded zero-downtime capacity scale


Scale Power BI Embedded capacity resources with no downtime.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features
Dec 18

Azure Resource Health monitoring for Power BI Embedded


Power BI Embedded is integrated with Resource Health to help monitor the availability of resources and diagnose the root cause in case of unavailable status.

  • Power BI Embedded
  • Features


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