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Tarification Base de données Azure pour MySQL

Base de données MySQL complètement managée et évolutive

Azure Database for MySQL provides a fully managed database service for app development and deployment with built-in capabilities, such as high availability, at no extra cost.

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Les prix ne sont que des estimations et ne sont pas destinés à être des devis réels. Le prix réel peut varier selon le type de contrat conclu avec Microsoft, la date d'achat et le taux de change. Les prix sont calculés en dollars américains et convertis à l'aide des taux de clôture au comptant de Londres saisis au cours des deux jours ouvrables précédant le dernier jour ouvrable de la fin du mois précédent. Si les deux jours ouvrables précédant la fin du mois tombent un jour férié sur les principaux marchés, le jour de fixation des taux est généralement le jour précédant immédiatement les deux jours ouvrables. Ce taux s'applique à toutes les transactions du mois à venir. Connectez-vous au calculateur de prix Azure pour voir les prix en fonction de votre programme/offre actuel avec Microsoft. Contactez un spécialiste des ventes Azure pour plus d'informations sur les prix ou pour demander un devis. Consultez les questions fréquemment posées sur la tarification Azure.

Flexible Server provides maximum control for your database with a simplified developer experience and is best for workloads that require:

  • Custom maintenance windows and additional configuration parameters for database optimization
  • Zone-redundant and same-zone high availability with up to 99.99% SLA
  • Stop/Start capabilities and burstable SKUs for cost optimization
  • Hybrid Data Synchronization with data-in replication
  • Offline and online migration support

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server


Workloads with flexible compute requirements.

Burstable Compute

Instance vCores Memory À l'utilisation
B1ms 1 2 Gio $-
B1s 1 1 Gio $-
B2MS 2 8 Gio $-
B2s 2 4 Gio $-
B4ms 4 16 Gio $-
B8MS 8 32 Gio $-
B12ms 12 48 Gio $-
B16ms 16 64 Gio $-
B20ms 20 80 Gio $-


You are charged for the storage that you provision for your server. Storage can be provisioned up to 16 TB and includes 3 IOPS/GB of storage.

GB/month $-

Additional IOPS

You can scale your IOPS to optimize the performance of an IO-intensive operation. Additional IOPS beyond the provisioned amount will incur charges based on the usage, rounded up to the nearest minute. See more information on additional IOPS.

IOPS/month $-

Paid IO

Azure Database for MySQL will automatically scale your IOPS depending on the workload without the need for you to manually preprovision IOPS. This is a cost-effective IO model which charges only for what the workload consumes. Learn more

Paid IO Locally redundant storage (LRS) $- per million IOPS
Paid IO Zone redundant storage (ZRS) $- per million IOPS

Backup Storage

Backup storage is the storage associated with automated backups of your server. Increasing your backup retention period increases the backup storage that is consumed by your server. There is no additional charge for backup storage for up to 100% of your total provisioned server storage. Additional consumption of backup storage will be charged in GB/month.

Non disponible Price Note
GB/month $- GRS requires twice the amount of storage capacity because it creates a replica. If you have configured the backup storage to be geo-redundant (GRS), the price will be 2x this price. Price per GB remains the same.

General Purpose

Most business workloads requiring balanced compute and memory with scalable I/O throughput.

General Purpose

Instance vCores Memory À l'utilisation Réservation pendant 1 an Réservation pendant 3 ans
D Series 2 8 Gio $- $-
D Series 4 16 Gio $- $-
D Series 8 32 Gio $- $-
D Series 16 64 Gio $- $-
D Series 32 128 Gio $- $-
D Series 48 192 Gio $- $-
D Series 64 256 Gio $- $-

Read Replica

Read replicas allow read-heavy workloads to scale out beyond the capacity of a single Azure Database for MySQL Flexible server. Each read replica is billed for provisioned compute in vCores and storage in GB/month.

Business Critical

High performance database workloads requiring in-memory performance for faster transaction processing and higher concurrency.

Business Critical

Instance vCores Memory À l'utilisation Réservation pendant 1 an Réservation pendant 3 ans
E Series 2 16 Gio $- $-
E Series 4 32 Gio $- $-
E Series 8 64 Gio $- $-
E Series 16 128 Gio $- $-
E Series 32 256 Gio $- $-
E Series 48 384 Gio $- $-
E Series 64 504 Gio $- $-
E Series 80 504 Gio $- $-
E Series 96 672 Gio $- $-

Read Replica

Read replicas allow read-heavy workloads to scale out beyond the capacity of a single Azure Database for MySQL Flexible server. Each read replica is billed for provisioned compute in vCores and storage in GB/month.

Tarification et options d’achat Azure

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Ressources supplémentaires

Base de données Azure pour MySQL

En savoir plus sur les fonctionnalités et capacités Base de données Azure pour MySQL.

Calculatrice de prix

Estimez vos coûts mensuels pour l’utilisation des différentes combinaisons de produits Azure.


Consultez le Contrat de niveau de service (SLA) pour Base de données Azure pour MySQL.


Consulter les didacticiels et vidéos techniques, et d’autres ressources Base de données Azure pour MySQL.

  • Flexible Server is billed on a predictable, hourly rate. You are billed for the compute and storage you provision and the backup storage you consume. On your bill, you will see a separate line item for compute, storage, and backup storage. Compute is billed per vCore-hour. Storage and backup storage are billed per GB-month.
  • For each read replica you create, you are billed for the provisioned compute in vCores and provisioned storage in GB-month in the region where your replica is provisioned.
  • Servers enabled with HA have a primary and secondary replica. Secondary replica can be in same zone or zone redundant. You are billed for the provisioned compute and storage for both the primary and secondary replica. For example, if you have a primary with 4 vCores of compute and 512 GB of provisioned storage, your secondary replica will also have 4 vCores and 512 GB of provisioned storage. Your zone redundant HA server will be billed for 8 vCores and 1,024 GB of storage. An extra 36 IOPs per node in addition to the configured IOPs on your servers will be added and reserved, so additional charges for the 72 IOPs per month would apply based on your Azure region for HA enabled servers. Depending on your backup storage volume, you may also be billed for backup storage.
  • Backup storage is the storage associated with automated backups of your server, including data and log backups. Increasing your backup retention period increases the backup storage that is consumed by your server. There is no additional charge for backup storage for up to 100% of your total provisioned storage for your primary server. Additional consumption of backup storage will be charged in GB-month. For example, if your primary server has a storage size of 512 GBs, you will get 512 GBs of backup at no additional cost. However, if the backup is 612 GBs, you will pay for the incremental 100 GBs.
  • You are billed for each full hour that your server exists regardless of whether the server was active for the full hour. If you have scaled up your database, you will be billed for the higher number of vCores used within the hour. If you have switched between two compute tiers, you will be billed for the higher priced compute tier.

    For example:

    • If you create a server and delete it after five minutes, you are charged for one full hour for the provisioned compute and storage.
    • If you create a server with 8 vCores of General Purpose compute and then immediately scale up to 16 vCores of General Purpose compute, you are charged for 16 vCores of General Purpose compute for the first hour.
    • If you create a server with General Purpose compute with 8 vCores and then immediately upgrade it to Memory Optimized compute with 8 vCores, you are charged for 8 vCores Memory Optimized compute for the first hour.
  • While your server is stopped, you will only be billed for the storage you have provisioned and any backup storage you consume that exceed 100% of your primary provisioned storage volume. While your server is stopped, you will not be billed for compute.
  • Yes. Standard networking charges apply for network egress. Refer here for more details.

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