• 1 min read

Watch What you Missed at TechEd on Windows Azure

If you missed one of the Windows Azure sessions at TechEd last week or if you couldn't make it to New Orleans to attend in person, all sessions are now available on-demand on Microsoft TechEd…

If you missed one of the Windows Azure sessions at TechEd last week or if you couldn’t make it to New Orleans to attend in person, all sessions are now available on-demand on Microsoft TechEd Online.  You can find Windows Azure-related sessions by clicking on “Browse by Subject” and selecting “Cloud Computing and Online Services.” 

And if this isn’t cool enough, as you browse through the site you should know that its running entirely on Windows Azure, enabling the site to scale seamlessly to accommodate heavy traffic while delivering consistent quality levels.  As the team who runs the site said about their choice to use Windows Azure,  “the team is very happy with the decision to run in Windows Azure – the ease with which we can push out an update safely without worrying about putting extra load on the servers or doubling the number of servers running all the time is wonderful.”