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Azure Databricks pricing

Enable data, analytics, and AI use cases on an open data lake

Designed in collaboration with Microsoft and the creators of Apache Spark, Azure Databricks combines the best of Databricks and Azure to help customers accelerate innovation by enabling data science with a high-performance analytics platform that is optimised for Azure. It features out-of-the-box Azure Active Directory integration, native data connectors, integrated billing, and compliance (coming soon). One-click set up, streamlined workflows, and an interactive workspace enables collaboration among data scientists, engineers, and business analysts.

Explore pricing options

  • Pay as you go

    Pay for compute capacity by the second, with no long-term commitments or upfront payments. Increase or decrease consumption on demand.

  • Azure savings plan for compute

    Save money across select compute services globally by committing to spend a fixed hourly amount for 1 or 3 years, unlocking lower prices until you reach your hourly commitment. Suited for dynamic workloads while accommodating for planned or unplanned changes.

  • Reserved Instances

    Azure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances provide significant cost reduction, compared to pay-as-you-go rates, when you commit to one-year or three-year terms. Suited for stable, predictable workloads with no planned changes.

  • Spot

    Buy unused Azure compute capacity at deep discounts to run interruptible workloads.

Apply filters to customise pricing options to your needs.

Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using London closing spot rates that are captured in the two business days prior to the last business day of the previous month end. If the two business days prior to the end of the month autumn on a bank holiday in major markets, the rate setting day is generally the day immediately preceding the two business days. This rate applies to all transactions during the forthcoming month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current programme/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing.

SQL Compute Cluster

Cluster Size DBU Count PAYG Total DBU Price PAYG Total VM Price PAYG Total Price
2X-Small 4 $- $- $-
X-Small 6 $- $- $-
Small 12 $- $- $-
Medium 24 $- $- $-
Large 40 $- $- $-
X-Large 80 $- $- $-
2X-Large 144 $- $- $-
3X-Large 272 $- $- $-
4X-Large 528 $- $- $-

Standard tier features

Feature All-Purpose Compute Jobs Compute Jobs Light Compute
Interactive workloads to analyse data collaboratively with notebooks Automated workloads to run fast and robust jobs via API or UI Automated workloads to run robust jobs via API or UI
Apache Spark on Databricks platform Available Available Available
Job scheduling with libraries Available Available Available
Job scheduling with Notebooks Available Available Not available
Autopilot clusters Available Available Not available
Databricks Runtime for ML Available Available Not available
MLflow on Databricks Preview Available Available Not available
Databricks Delta Available Available Not available
Interactive clusters Available Not available Not available
Notebooks and collaboration Available Not available Not available
Ecosystem integrations Available Not available Not available

Premium tier features

Feature All-Purpose Compute Jobs Compute Jobs Light Compute
Interactive workloads to analyse data collaboratively with notebooks Automated workloads to run fast and robust jobs via API or UI Automated workloads to run robust jobs via API or UI
Includes standard features Includes standard features Includes standard features
Role-based access control for notebooks, clusters, jobs, and tables Available Available Available
JDBC/ODBC Endpoint Authentication Available Available Available
Audit logs Available Available Available
All Standard Plan Features Available Available Available
Azure AD credential passthrough Available Available Not available
Conditional Authentication Available Not available Not available
Cluster Policies (preview) Available Available Available
IP Access List (preview) Available Available Available
Token Management API (preview) Available Available Available

Delta Live Tables (DLT) Features

Feature DLT Core DLT Pro DLT Advanced
Basic Capabilities Available Available Available
Change Data Capture Not available Available Available
Data Quality Not available Not available Available

Enhanced Security & Compliance Add-on

For customers processing regulated data, this Azure Databricks offering provides enhanced security and controls for their compliance needs. It is offered at 10% of list price added to the Azure Databricks product spend in a selected workspace. The Enhanced Security and Compliance offering is only available on Azure Databricks Premium Tier workspace and includes the following capabilities:

Enhanced Security Monitoring Available
Compliance Security Profile (required for PCI-DSS, recommended for HIPAA. See Compliance documentation for details) Available


Azure Databricks offers three distinct workloads on several VM Instances tailored for your data analytics workflow—the Jobs Compute and Jobs Light Compute workloads make it easy for data engineers to build and execute jobs, and the All-Purpose Compute workload makes it easy for data scientists to explore, visualise, manipulate, and share data and insights interactively.

Pay As You Go

Azure Databricks bills* you for virtual machines (VMs) provisioned in clusters and Databricks Units (DBUs) based on the VM instance selected. A DBU is a unit of processing capability, billed on a per-second usage. The DBU consumption depends on the size and type of instance running Azure Databricks. Feature availability may vary by region, for more information please review our documentation.

Workload Standard Tier Prices Premium Tier Prices
Interactive Serverless Compute***** - $-/DBU-hour**
All-Purpose Compute*** $-/DBU-hour $-/DBU-hour
Automated Serverless Compute***** - $-/DBU-hour****
Jobs Compute*** $-/DBU-hour $-/DBU-hour
Jobs Light Compute $-/DBU-hour $-/DBU-hour
SQL Compute - $-/DBU-hour
SQL Pro Compute - $-/DBU-hour
Serverless SQL***** - $-/DBU-hour
Serverless Real-Time Inference***** - $-/DBU-hour
Model Training***** - $-/DBU-hour
Databricks Storage Unit - $-/DSU

*In addition to virtual machines, Azure Databricks will also note for managed, disk, blob storage, Public IP Address.

**Limited time promotional price – save 30% (offer expires April 30, 2025).

***Enabling Photon will increase DBU count.

****Limited time promotional price – save 50% (offer expires April 30, 2025).

*****In addition to DBU, data transfer, NAT gateway, and Private Endpoint per-hour usage will also be billed. Data processing charges to your resources over Private Link are waived indefinitely.

SQL Pro Compute

Cluster Size DBU Count PAYG Total DBU Price PAYG Total VM Price PAYG Total Price
2X-Small 4 $- $- $-
X-Small 6 $- $- $-
Small 12 $- $- $-
Medium 24 $- $- $-
Large 40 $- $- $-
X-Large 80 $- $- $-
2X-Large 144 $- $- $-
3X-Large 272 $- $- $-
4X-Large 528 $- $- $-

Delta Live Tables (DLT)

Workload DLT Core DLT Pro DLT Advanced
Delta Live Tables (DLT)* $-/DBU-hour $-/DBU-hour $-/DBU-hour
*Enabling Photon will increase DBU count. DLT is available only in the Premium tier.

Serverless SQL

Cluster Size Number of DBUs Total DBU Price
2X-Small 4 $-
X-Small 6 $-
Small 12 $-
Medium 24 $-
Large 40 $-
X-Large 80 $-
2X-Large 144 $-
3X-Large 272 $-
4X-Large 528 $-

Databricks Unit pre-purchase plan

You can get up to 37% savings over pay-as-you-go DBU prices when you pre-purchase Azure Databricks Units (DBU) as Databricks Commit Units (DBCU) for either 1 or 3 years. A Databricks Commit Unit (DBCU) normalises usage from Azure Databricks workloads and tiers into to a single purchase. Your DBU usage across those workloads and tiers will draw down from the Databricks Commit Units (DBCU) until they are exhausted, or the purchase term expires. The draw down rate will be equivalent to the price of the DBU, as per the table above.

The purchase tiers and discounts for DBCU purchases are shown below:

1-year pre-purchase plan

Databricks commit unit (DBCU) Price (with discount) Discount
12,500 $- $-
25,000 $- $-
50,000 $- $-
100,000 $- $-
200,000 $- $-
350,000 $- $-
500,000 $- $-
750,000 $- $-
1,000,000 $- $-
1,500,000 $- $-
2,000,000 $- $-

3-year pre-purchase plan

Databricks commit unit (DBCU) Price (with discount) Discount
37,500 $- $-
75,000 $- $-
150,000 $- $-
300,000 $- $-
600,000 $- $-
1,050,000 $- $-
1,500,000 $- $-
2,250,000 $- $-
3,000,000 $- $-
4,500,000 $- $-
6,000,000 $- $-


General purpose

DSv2 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
DS3 v2 4 14.00 GiB 0.75 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
DS4 v2 8 28.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
DS5 v2 16 56.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dv2 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D3 v2 4 14.00 GiB 0.75 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D4 v2 8 28.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D5 v2 16 56.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dsv3 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D4s v3 4 16.00 GiB 0.75 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D8s v3 8 32.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D16s v3 16 64.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D32s v3 32 128.00 GiB 6.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D64s v3 64 256.00 GiB 12.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dv3 Series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D8 v3 8 32.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D16 v3 16 64.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D32 v3 32 128.00 GiB 6.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D64 v3 64 256.00 GiB 12.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dasv4 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D8as v4 8 32.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D16as v4 16 64.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D32as v4 32 128.00 GiB 6.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D48as v4 48 192.00 GiB 9.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D64as v4 64 256.00 GiB 12.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D96as v4 96 384.00 GiB 18.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dav4 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D4a v4 4 16.00 GiB 0.75 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D8a v4 8 32.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D16a v4 16 64.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D32a v4 32 128.00 GiB 6.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D48a v4 48 192.00 GiB 9.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D64a v4 64 256.00 GiB 12.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D96a v4 96 384.00 GiB 18.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Ddsv4 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D4ds v4 4 16.00 GiB 0.75 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D8ds v4 8 32.00 GiB 1.50 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D16ds v4 16 64.00 GiB 3.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D32ds v4 32 128.00 GiB 6.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D48ds v4 48 192.00 GiB 9.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D64ds v4 64 256.00 GiB 12.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total price includes both Virtual Machines compute price and DBU price. Visit the Virtual Machine pricing page for compute pricing

Dadsv5 series

Instance vCPU(s) RAM DBU Count DBU Price Pay As You Go Total Price 1 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Savings Plan (% Savings) Total Price 1 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price 3 Year Reserved VM (% Savings) Total Price Spot (% Savings) Total Price
D4ads v5 4 16.00 GiB 1.00 $- $- $- $- $- $- $-
D8ads v5 8 32.00 GiB 2.00 $- $- $- $- $- $-