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Public Preview of Azure NetApp Files Cross Region Replication (CRR) capability

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 17 September, 2020

Azure NetApp Files (ANF) Cross Region Replication (CRR) capability is now available in public preview. With this new disaster recovery capability, you can replicate your ANF volumes from one Azure region to another in a fast and cost-effective way, protecting your data from unforeseeable regional failures.

ANF Cross Region Replication leverages NetApp SnapMirror technology so only changed blocks are sent over the network in a compressed, efficient format. This proprietary technology reduces the amount of data required to replicate across the regions, therefore saving ANF customers data transfer cost. It also shortens the replication time so customers can achieve a smaller Restore Point Objective.

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  • Azure NetApp Files
  • Features
  • Pricing & Offerings

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