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Global trace flags are now available in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 21 Agustus, 2019

You can now enable trace flags in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance using DBCC TRACEON Transact-SQL statement.

Trace flags are commonly used to customize and alter behavior of the SQL Server Database Engine. Enabling trace flags can help improve compatibility of your Managed Instance Database Engine and SQL Server Database Engine. 

Managed Instance supports a subset of trace flags that cannot affect availability or stability of Managed Instance. In the first release, the following trace flags are supported: 460, 2301, 2389, 2390, 2453, 2467, 7471, 8207, 9389, 10316, and 11024 The list of supported trace flags will be expanded in the future based on customer requests.

You can enable or disable global trace flags at the instance level using the DBCC TRACEON Transact-SQL command, as shown in the following example:

dbcc traceon(11024, -1)


Be sure to thoroughly test these options before rolling into a production environment.

To learn more, see Trace Flags in SQL Server and Azure SQL Managed Instance.  

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