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Azure IoT Edge support in Azure DevOps Project and Azure Pipelines

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 09 Agustus, 2019

We’re proud to see more and more customers using Azure IoT Edge to package cloud workloads into standard containers and deploy to IoT Edge devices, and we're excited to announce that IoT Edge support in Azure DevOps Project and Azure Pipelines is generally available. Developers can easily set up CI/CD pipelines for your IoT Edge projects with best practices. Some key features include:

  • Build IoT Edge module images for your target platform with dropdown selections
  • Push IoT Edge module images to Azure Container Registry, Docker Hub or your own on-prem registries
  • Generate IoT Edge deployment manifest for multiple environments with variables
  • Deploy IoT Edge modules at scale in release pipeline
  • Initialize a new IoT Edge project with recommended CI/CD practices in a few clicks with Azure DevOps Project for Azure IoT Edge


To see our recommended IoT Edge CI/CD practices, you can create an IoT Edge DevOps project in just a few clicks. this brings you the following:

  • Unit testing IoT Edge module codes in build pipeline
  • Multiple release stages for develop, QA and production purposes
  • Smoke test to verify built module and roll back deployment in each of the release stage


Read all about the technical functionality of IoT Edge in the IoT Edge developer guide. Head to the Azure DevOps project for IoT Edge to get started building your own IoT Edge solutions with Azure DevOps!

  • Azure IoT Edge
  • Features

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