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Azure Disk Encryption in more places, and more services offering customer-managed keys

Tanggal dipublikasikan: 14 November, 2019

Azure Disk Encryption enables you to encrypt your Azure Virtual Machine disks with your keys safeguarded in Azure Key Vault. Previously this capability was available through PowerShell and CLI. We have now added this capability to the Azure portal, which makes it very easy to use. We have also added support for the latest versions of the common Linux distros on Azure, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 and 7.7 as well as CentOS Linux 7.6 and 7.7.

The following services recently announced preview for customer-managed keys for encryption at rest.

  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Managed Disks
  • Power BI

For a full list of services offering encryption with customer-managed keys, see the Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest documentation page.

Quickstart for Linux

Quickstart for Windows

  • Microsoft Defender untuk Cloud
  • Security