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Azure Application Gateway—URL rewrite and wildcard listener are now in preview

Published date: 21 July, 2020

URL rewrite and wildcard host names in listener for Azure Application Gateway are now available in preview.

Use the URL rewrite capability in Application Gateway to:

  • Rewrite the host name, path, and query string of the request URL.
  • Choose to rewrite the URLs of all requests on a listener or only those requests thta match one or more of the conditions you set. These conditions are based on the request and response properties.
  • Choose to route the request (select the backend pool) based on either the original URL or the rewritten URL.

Learn more about URL rewrite and how to configure using the Azure portal.

Use wildcard host names in listener to:

  • Use wildcard characters like asterisk (*) and question mark (?) in the host name, which can accept any incoming request with the host header matching the pattern.
  • Configure up to five host names per multisite listener using the new hostnames field.

Learn more about wildcard host names in listener and how to configure using the Azure portal.

  • Features