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Azure Machine Learning general availability announcements //Build, May 2021

Published date: May 25, 2021

We are making the following features generally available in Azure Machine Learning:   

  • Data Labeling-Image Instance Segmentation in Azure Machine Learning gives you a central place to create, manage, and monitor labeling projects. Use it to coordinate data, labels, and team members to efficiently manage labeling tasks. It supports image classification, either multi-label or multi-class, object identification with bounded boxes, and Image Instance Segmentation (polygon). 
  • MLflow Support: Azure Machine Learning supports managing the end-to-end machine learning cycle using open MLFlow standards, enabling existing workloads to move from local execution to execution in the intelligent cloud & edge.  
    • Use MLflow tracking and logging API’s 

    • Track experiments and metrics with both services 

    • Track models in the MLflow and Azure Machine Learning model registry 

    • Deploy MLflow tracked models using the azureml-mlflow package to ACI and AKS

Learn more on how to label images.

Read the how-to doc on MLflow.

  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Features

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