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Prijzen voor Azure Files

Eenvoudige, veilige en serverloze cloudbestandsshares op ondernemingsniveau

Profiteer van volledig beheerde bestandsshares in de cloud die toegankelijk zijn via het industriestandaard SMB- en NFS-protocols. Azure-bestandsshares kunnen gelijktijdig worden gekoppeld door on-premises of cloudimplementaties van Windows en macOS. Bovendien kunnen Azure-bestandsshares worden opgeslagen in de cache op Windows-servers met Azure-bestandssynchronisatie voor snelle toegang tot locaties waar de gegevens worden gebruikt.

Prijsopties verkennen

Pas filters toe om de prijsopties aan te passen aan uw behoeften.

De prijzen zijn slechts schattingen en zijn niet bedoeld als werkelijke prijsopgaven. De werkelijke prijzen kunnen variëren afhankelijk van het type overeenkomst dat is afgesloten met Microsoft, de aankoopdatum en de valutakoers. De prijzen worden berekend op basis van Amerikaanse dollars en worden geconverteerd op basis van de slotspot-tarieven in Londen die zijn vastgelegd in de twee werkdagen voor de laatste werkdag van de vorige maand. Als de twee werkdagen voor het einde van de maand vallen op een feestdag in de voornaamste markten, is de dag direct voorafgaande aan de twee werkdagen de dag van de tariefvaststelling. Dit tarief is van toepassing op alle transacties gedurende de aankomende maand. Meld u zich aan bij de Azure-prijscalculator voor prijzen op basis van uw huidige programma/aanbieding bij Microsoft. Neemt u contact op met een Azure-verkoopspecialist voor meer informatie over prijzen of om een prijsopgave aan te vragen. Zie veelgestelde vragen over Azure-prijzen.

Azure Files supports two different media tiers of storage, SSD and HDD, which allow you to tailor your file shares to the performance and price requirements of your scenario:

  • SSD (“premium”): File shares hosted on solid-state drives (SSDs) provide consistent high performance and low latency, within single-digit milliseconds for most IO operations.
  • HDD (“standard”): File shares hosted on hard disk drives (HDDs) provide cost-effective storage for general purpose use.
Azure Files has multiple pricing models including provisioned and pay-as-you-go options. The following sections detail the specifics of each model to help you make a choice about which model works best for your scenario.

Provisioned v2

In a provisioned model, the primary costs of the Azure file share are based on the amount of storage, IOPS, and throughput you provision when you create or update your file share, regardless of how much you use. With the provisioned v2 billing model, you have the ability to separately provision storage, IOPS, and throughput, although we will recommend IOPS and throughput provisioning to you based on the amount of provisioned storage you select. For more information on the provisioned v2 billing model, see understanding the provisioned v2 billing model.

HDD (“standard”)
Quantity Price
Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. Provisioned storage can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned IOPS

The maximum IOPS, or transactions per second, of the file share. You are charged for the IOPS you’ve provisioned regardless of how many IOs you use. Provisioned IOPS can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned throughput

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second of the file share. You are charged for the throughput you’ve provisioned regardless of what you use. Provisioned throughput can be changed after share creation.

Overflow snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v2 billing model, snapshot usage that fits within the provisioned storage of the share is free. Any additional snapshot storage that doesn’t fit within the provisioned storage of the share is charged with a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. Provisioned storage can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned IOPS

The maximum IOPS, or transactions per second, of the file share. You are charged for the IOPS you’ve provisioned regardless of how many IOs you use. Provisioned IOPS can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned throughput

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second of the file share. You are charged for the throughput you’ve provisioned regardless of what you use. Provisioned throughput can be changed after share creation.

Overflow snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v2 billing model, snapshot usage that fits within the provisioned storage of the share is free. Any additional snapshot storage that doesn’t fit within the provisioned storage of the share is charged with a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. Provisioned storage can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned IOPS

The maximum IOPS, or transactions per second, of the file share. You are charged for the IOPS you’ve provisioned regardless of how many IOs you use. Provisioned IOPS can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned throughput

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second of the file share. You are charged for the throughput you’ve provisioned regardless of what you use. Provisioned throughput can be changed after share creation.

Overflow snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v2 billing model, snapshot usage that fits within the provisioned storage of the share is free. Any additional snapshot storage that doesn’t fit within the provisioned storage of the share is charged with a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. Provisioned storage can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned IOPS

The maximum IOPS, or transactions per second, of the file share. You are charged for the IOPS you’ve provisioned regardless of how many IOs you use. Provisioned IOPS can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned throughput

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second of the file share. You are charged for the throughput you’ve provisioned regardless of what you use. Provisioned throughput can be changed after share creation.

Overflow snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v2 billing model, snapshot usage that fits within the provisioned storage of the share is free. Any additional snapshot storage that doesn’t fit within the provisioned storage of the share is charged with a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. Provisioned storage can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned IOPS

The maximum IOPS, or transactions per second, of the file share. You are charged for the IOPS you’ve provisioned regardless of how many IOs you use. Provisioned IOPS can be changed after share creation.

Provisioned throughput

The maximum amount of data that can be transferred per second of the file share. You are charged for the throughput you’ve provisioned regardless of what you use. Provisioned throughput can be changed after share creation.

Overflow snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v2 billing model, snapshot usage that fits within the provisioned storage of the share is free. Any additional snapshot storage that doesn’t fit within the provisioned storage of the share is charged with a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.


Provisioned v2 file shares are billed hourly at an hourly rate.

Monthly prices shown in the table above are based on a 730-hour month.

Provisioned v1

In a provisioned model, the primary costs of the Azure file share are based on the amount of storage, IOPS, and throughput you provision when you create or update your file share, regardless of how much you use. In the provisioned v1 billing model, there is one provisioned quantity for which you will pay for your file share: provisioned storage. When you create your file share, the provisioned IOPS and throughput available on your share are determined based on the amount of storage you provision. If you need more IOPS or throughput, you’ll need to provision additional storage. The provisioned v1 model is only available for SSD file shares. For more information on the provisioned v1 billing model, see understanding the provisioned v1 billing model.

SSD (“premium”)
Quantity Price
Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. The provisioned IOPS and provisioned throughput capacity of the share is dependent on the amount of storage provisioned. Provisioning can be changed after share creation.

Snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v1 billing model, all snapshots are billed on a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. The provisioned IOPS and provisioned throughput capacity of the share is dependent on the amount of storage provisioned. Provisioning can be changed after share creation.

Snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v1 billing model, all snapshots are billed on a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. The provisioned IOPS and provisioned throughput capacity of the share is dependent on the amount of storage provisioned. Provisioning can be changed after share creation.

Snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v1 billing model, all snapshots are billed on a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. The provisioned IOPS and provisioned throughput capacity of the share is dependent on the amount of storage provisioned. Provisioning can be changed after share creation.

Snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v1 billing model, all snapshots are billed on a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Provisioned storage

The maximum storage size of the file share, specified in GiB. You are charged for the storage you’ve provision regardless of what you use. The provisioned IOPS and provisioned throughput capacity of the share is dependent on the amount of storage provisioned. Provisioning can be changed after share creation.

Snapshot used storage

In the provisioned v1 billing model, all snapshots are billed on a usage-based charge per GiB. All snapshots are differential from the live file share and from each other.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.


Provisioned v1 file shares are billed hourly at a monthly rate.

Hourly prices shown in the table above are based on a 730-hour month.


The provisioned v1 billing model supports the use of reservations, which provide you with a discount on the cost of provisioned storage by committing to one year or three years of Azure Files consumption. Reservations can be purchased in increments of 10 TiB and 100 TiB for 1-year and 3-year commitment duration. All prices are per month. For more information, please see understanding reservations.

1-year reservation term 3-year reservation term
Reservation size SSD (“premium”) provisioned storage SSD (“premium”) provisioned storage
10 TiB/maand N/A N/A
100 TiB/maand N/A N/A
10 TiB/maand $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $-
10 TiB/maand $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $-
10 TiB/maand N/A N/A
100 TiB/maand N/A N/A


In a pay-as-you-go model, the cost of the Azure file share is based on how much you use the file share, in the form of used storage, transaction, and data transfer costs. The pay-as-you-go model offers three “access tiers” on HDD (“standard”) storage which provide a way to balance the used storage versus used transaction prices:

  • The transaction optimized access tier offers the lowest cost transaction pricing for transaction heavy workloads that don’t need the low latency offered by SSD file shares. The transaction optimized access tier is recommended for migrating data into file shares using the pay-as-you-go billing model.
  • The hot access tier offers balanced storage and transaction pricing for workloads that have a good measure of both.
  • The cool access tier offers the most cost-efficient storage pricing for storage-intensive workloads.

Pay-as-you-go is only available for HDD file shares. We recommend using the provisioned v2 billing model for new HDD file share deployments. For more information on the pay-as-you-go billing model, see understanding the pay-as-you-go billing model.

HDD (“standard”)
Geoptimaliseerd voor transacties Warm Koud
Used storage

The logical storage size of the files stored on the Azure file share.

$- $- $-
Snapshot used storage

The physical storage size of the differential snapshots.

$- $- $-
Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

$- $- $-
Metadata used storage

The file system metadata associated with files and directories such as access control lists (ACLs) or other properties.

Inbegrepen $- $-
Schrijftransacties (per 10.000)

Write transactions are any operations which modify a file’s data stream. This category also includes file handle operations, such as opening a file handle, even if the file is being opened for read.

$- $- $-
Lijsttransacties (per 10.000)

Lijsttransacties zijn bewerkingen die delen van de bestandsshare opsommen, zoals het weergeven van bestanden en mappen in een share.

$- $- $-
Leestransacties (per 10.000)

Leestransacties zijn bewerkingen die worden gelezen uit de gegevensstroom van een bestand.

$- $- $-
Alle andere bewerkingen (per 10.000)

Alle andere bewerkingen met betrekking tot Azure Files (delen, momentopname, directory enzovoort), met uitzondering van verwijderbewerkingen; deze zijn gratis.

$- $- $-
Gegevens ophalen (per GiB)

Voor het ophalen van gegevens gelden speciale kosten die alleen van toepassing zijn op het ophalen van gegevens uit statische opslag.

N/A N/A $-
Used storage

The logical storage size of the files stored on the Azure file share.

$- $- $-
Snapshot used storage

The physical storage size of the differential snapshots.

$- $- $-
Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

$- $- $-
Metadata used storage

The file system metadata associated with files and directories such as access control lists (ACLs) or other properties.

Inbegrepen $- $-
Schrijftransacties (per 10.000)

Write transactions are any operations which modify a file’s data stream. This category also includes file handle operations, such as opening a file handle, even if the file is being opened for read.

$- $- $-
Lijsttransacties (per 10.000)

Lijsttransacties zijn bewerkingen die delen van de bestandsshare opsommen, zoals het weergeven van bestanden en mappen in een share.

$- $- $-
Leestransacties (per 10.000)

Leestransacties zijn bewerkingen die worden gelezen uit de gegevensstroom van een bestand.

$- $- $-
Alle andere bewerkingen (per 10.000)

Alle andere bewerkingen met betrekking tot Azure Files (delen, momentopname, directory enzovoort), met uitzondering van verwijderbewerkingen; deze zijn gratis.

$- $- $-
Gegevens ophalen (per GiB)

Voor het ophalen van gegevens gelden speciale kosten die alleen van toepassing zijn op het ophalen van gegevens uit statische opslag.

N/A N/A $-
Used storage

The logical storage size of the files stored on the Azure file share.

$- $- $-
Snapshot used storage

The physical storage size of the differential snapshots.

$- $- $-
Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

$- $- $-
Metadata used storage

The file system metadata associated with files and directories such as access control lists (ACLs) or other properties.

Inbegrepen $- $-
Schrijftransacties (per 10.000)

Write transactions are any operations which modify a file’s data stream. This category also includes file handle operations, such as opening a file handle, even if the file is being opened for read.

$- $- $-
Lijsttransacties (per 10.000)

Lijsttransacties zijn bewerkingen die delen van de bestandsshare opsommen, zoals het weergeven van bestanden en mappen in een share.

$- $- $-
Leestransacties (per 10.000)

Leestransacties zijn bewerkingen die worden gelezen uit de gegevensstroom van een bestand.

$- $- $-
Alle andere bewerkingen (per 10.000)

Alle andere bewerkingen met betrekking tot Azure Files (delen, momentopname, directory enzovoort), met uitzondering van verwijderbewerkingen; deze zijn gratis.

$- $- $-
Gegevens ophalen (per GiB)

Voor het ophalen van gegevens gelden speciale kosten die alleen van toepassing zijn op het ophalen van gegevens uit statische opslag.

N/A N/A $-
Used storage

The logical storage size of the files stored on the Azure file share.

$- $- $-
Snapshot used storage

The physical storage size of the differential snapshots.

$- $- $-
Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

$- $- $-
Metadata used storage

The file system metadata associated with files and directories such as access control lists (ACLs) or other properties.

Inbegrepen $- $-
Schrijftransacties (per 10.000)

Write transactions are any operations which modify a file’s data stream. This category also includes file handle operations, such as opening a file handle, even if the file is being opened for read.

$- $- $-
Lijsttransacties (per 10.000)

Lijsttransacties zijn bewerkingen die delen van de bestandsshare opsommen, zoals het weergeven van bestanden en mappen in een share.

$- $- $-
Leestransacties (per 10.000)

Leestransacties zijn bewerkingen die worden gelezen uit de gegevensstroom van een bestand.

$- $- $-
Alle andere bewerkingen (per 10.000)

Alle andere bewerkingen met betrekking tot Azure Files (delen, momentopname, directory enzovoort), met uitzondering van verwijderbewerkingen; deze zijn gratis.

$- $- $-
Gegevens ophalen (per GiB)

Voor het ophalen van gegevens gelden speciale kosten die alleen van toepassing zijn op het ophalen van gegevens uit statische opslag.

N/A N/A $-
Used storage

The logical storage size of the files stored on the Azure file share.

Snapshot used storage

The physical storage size of the differential snapshots.

Soft-deleted used storage

When a file share is soft-deleted, the used portion of the storage is charged for the indicated soft-deleted period. All other meters are not charged unless the share is restored.

Metadata used storage

The file system metadata associated with files and directories such as access control lists (ACLs) or other properties.

Inbegrepen N/A N/A
Schrijftransacties (per 10.000)

Write transactions are any operations which modify a file’s data stream. This category also includes file handle operations, such as opening a file handle, even if the file is being opened for read.

Lijsttransacties (per 10.000)

Lijsttransacties zijn bewerkingen die delen van de bestandsshare opsommen, zoals het weergeven van bestanden en mappen in een share.

Leestransacties (per 10.000)

Leestransacties zijn bewerkingen die worden gelezen uit de gegevensstroom van een bestand.

Alle andere bewerkingen (per 10.000)

Alle andere bewerkingen met betrekking tot Azure Files (delen, momentopname, directory enzovoort), met uitzondering van verwijderbewerkingen; deze zijn gratis.

Gegevens ophalen (per GiB)

Voor het ophalen van gegevens gelden speciale kosten die alleen van toepassing zijn op het ophalen van gegevens uit statische opslag.

GRS-gegevensoverdracht (per GiB)

De kosten voor GRS-gegevensoverdracht worden berekend op basis van de gebruikte bandbreedte voor het repliceren van gegevens in de secundaire Azure-regio.

$- $- $-

Used storage, snapshot used storage, soft-deleted used storage, and metadata used storage are billed hourly at a monthly rate. Transaction and data transfer meters are billed hourly.

Hourly prices shown in the table above are based on a 730-hour month.


The pay-as-you-go billing model supports the use of reservations, which provide you with a discount on the cost of used storage by committing to one year or three years of Azure Files consumption. Reservations can be purchased in increments of 10 TiB and 100 TiB for 1-year and 3-year commitment duration. All prices are per month. For more information, please see understanding reservations.

1-year reservation term 3-year reservation term
HDD (“standard”) used storage
Warm Koud Warm Koud
10 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
10 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
10 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
10 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-
100 TiB/maand $- $- $- $-

File Sync

Dit zijn de kosten voor het synchroniseren van uw bestanden van Windows-servers naar Azure-bestandsshares in de cloud. Meer informatie over Azure-bestandssynchronisatie.

De totale kosten van de Azure File Sync-services worden bepaald door het aantal servers dat verbinding maakt met het cloudeindpunt (Azure-bestandsshare) plus de onderliggende kosten van Azure Files (inclusief opslag- en toegangskosten) en uitgaande gegevensoverdracht.

Hieronder vindt u de vaste maandelijkse kosten per server.

File Sync Prijs per maand
Synchronisatieserver* $-
*Eén gratis synchronisatieserver per opslagsynchronisatieservice. Sync maakt gebruik van bestandsbewerkingen om uw gegevens te synchroniseren naar de cloud en naar andere servers. De bewerkingen die tijdens het synchronisatieproces worden gegenereerd, worden in rekening gebracht. Het aantal gegenereerde bestandsbewerkingen en de toegangskosten zijn afhankelijk van het aantal bestandswijzigingen op de server en het aantal servers dat moet worden gesynchroniseerd.

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Azure Files

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  • Raadpleeg Over Azure Files- en File Sync-factureringals u de volledige uitsplitsing van SMB- en FileREST-transacties wilt bekijken.

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