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Azure Container Storage pricing

Azure Container Storage pricing overview

Azure Container Storage is a volume management service built natively for containers, which enables cost-effective performance scaling and simplified management of volumes for stateful container applications. Get started quickly with the free tier and only pay for the storage resources consumed.

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Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using London closing spot rates that are captured in the two business days prior to the last business day of the previous month end. If the two business days prior to the end of the month autumn on a bank holiday in major markets, the rate setting day is generally the day immediately preceding the two business days. This rate applies to all transactions during the forthcoming month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current programme/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing.

Pricing details

Azure Container Storage offers simplified pricing. With this service, you are charged a fee per provisioned GiB for the storage orchestration service. This service will offer a free tier for deployments with storage pool capacity under 5 TiB. For deployments over 5 TiB, you will be charged a nominal orchestration fee of $-/GiB/month for the additional provisioned storage pool capacity beyond 5 TiB.

Not available Storage Pool Size
Not available Free Tier (0-5 TiB) Standard Tier (5+ TiB)
Orchestration Charge(GiB/month) $0 $-

The total price of Azure Container Storage orchestration depends on the number of deployments and the storage pool capacity provisioned per each deployment. In addition to this orchestration charge, you will be charged for the underlying storage service.

Please note, billing will take effect with general availability. When you upgrade your Azure Container Storage version to the generally available build and its subsequent builds, your account will be billed according to the pricing details on this page.

Below is a simplified example to help demystify pricing for Azure Container Storage.

Customer A deployed 2 Azure Container storage pools, with the following specifications.
Deployment 1: 4 TiB provisioned capacity, underlying storage: Premium SSD v2 managed disk, Region: US East, Feature: LRS
Deployment 2: 9 TiB provisioned capacity, underlying storage: Premium SSD v2 managed disk, Region: US East, Feature: LRS

The total customer cost calculation for each deployment is as follows:

Deployment 1:
Monthly orchestration charge: $0, since deployment is under 5 TiB
Monthly cost of underlying storage: $-*4*1024 = $-
Total monthly cost to customer for deployment 1 = $-

Deployment 2:
Monthly orchestration charge: 4*1024*$- = $-
Monthly cost of underlying storage: $-*9*1024 = $-
Total monthly cost to customer for deployment 2 = $-

Customer B deployed 1 Azure Container storage pool, with the following specification.
Deployment 1: 1 TiB provisioned capacity, underlying storage: Ephemeral disk, using the NVMe disks from nodes using Standard_L8s_v3 as the VM sku.
Region: US East

The total customer cost calculation for the deployment is as follows:

Deployment 1:
Monthly orchestration charge: $0, since deployment is under 5 TiB
Monthly cost of underlying storage: $-, for the Standard_L8s_v3 VM which includes the NVMe disk, on a Pay as you go plan.
Total monthly cost to customer for deployment 1 = $-

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Azure Container Storage

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  • With the Free Tier, you can enjoy the same benefits of Azure Container Storage as the Standard Tier. The difference is that any storage pool deployments under 5 TiB fall under the Free Tier, which means that there won’t be a charge for orchestration, you will only pay for the underlying storage. If you have a storage pool that is over 5 TiB, or you decide to scale up your existing storage pools to over 5 TiB, you will be charged the orchestration fee.
  • Azure Container Storage supports the following block storage offerings: Azure Disks, Ephemeral Disks, and Azure Elastic SAN. Azure Disks are ideal if you prefer the granular control of disk SKU selection and configuration. With Ephemeral disks you can leverage local storage devices like NVMe disks and are well-suited for latency-critical workloads. Azure Elastic SAN combines on-prem SAN-like capabilities with the benefits of being a cloud-native service. You can learn more about the supported storage types here: Introduction to Azure Container Storage Preview | Microsoft Learn.
  • Azure Container Storage provides a common abstraction over multiple block storage options, enables rapid provisioning and scale out of volumes, and provides a reduced total cost of ownership. All this thanks to the storage pools, that are a grouping of storage resources presented as a single entity to your AKS from where persistent volumes can be created. You can read more about Azure Container Storage here: Azure Container Storage documentation | Microsoft Learn.

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